Would you like to clone this notebook?

When you clone a notebook you are able to make changes without affecting the original notebook.


尝试4. 进一步优化

node v10.24.1
version: 1.0.0
const results = []; const timeout = i => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => { results.push(i); resolve(); }, i) ).then(() => { return i }); const urls = [100, 500, 300, 200] class LimitPool { constructor(max) { this._max = max this._idle = 0 this._queue = [] } call(fn, ...args) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const task = this._createTask(fn, args, resolve, reject) if(this._idle >= this._max) { // 大于目前通道数 放入队列中 this._queue.push(task) } else { task() } }) } _createTask(fn, args, _resolve, _reject) { // 惰性计算 如果返回,会直接计算fn,Promise的构造函数是直接运行的,不会异步执行 return () => { fn(...args) .then(_resolve) .catch(_reject) .finally(() => { this._idle-- if (this._queue.length) { const task = this._queue.shift() task() } else { // console.log('队列清空完毕') } }) this._idle++ } } } // 初始化请求池 const limitPool = new LimitPool(2) // 多次请求同时发起,占满通道后会存储到this._queue队列中 // 等待前面的请求结束,通道释放后继续执行 for(let i of urls) { limitPool.call(timeout, i).then(() => console.log(results)) }

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