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When you clone a notebook you are able to make changes without affecting the original notebook.


Demo dic-tsk

node v14.20.1
version: 1.0.2
// You need a resources-tsk lib or build some like this const res_tsk = require("resources-tsk"); const dic_tsk = require("dic-tsk"); // local or remote resource const localKeys = { DEPENDENCY_NOT_FOUNT: "DEPENDENCY_NOT_FOUNT", INTERNAL_ERROR: "INTERNAL_ERROR", }; const locals = { es: { DEPENDENCY_NOT_FOUNT: "El contenedor de dependencias no contiene '{{className}}'.", INTERNAL_ERROR: "Error interno.", }, en: { DEPENDENCY_NOT_FOUNT: "di container don't has '{{className}}' dependency.", INTERNAL_ERROR: "Internal error.", }, }; const defaultLanguage = "en"; const resourceKeys = localKeys; const appMessages = new res_tsk.Resources(locals, resourceKeys, defaultLanguage); const applicationStatus = { INTERNAL_ERROR: "FF", SUCCESS: "00", }; // Here finish your resources index file. // In localization middleware appMessages.init(defaultLanguage); // SET it to "es" to see the language CHANGE // Here init the index file for diContainer const dicSettings = { interfaceBaseName: "KeyClassName.interface", classNameBase: "KeyClassName", appMessages, appErrorMessageKey: "DEPENDENCY_NOT_FOUNT", applicationStatus, applicationStatusCodeKey: "INTERNAL_ERROR", }; const Message = (function () { function Message(message) { this.message = message; } Message.prototype.getMessage = function () { return this.message; }; Message.prototype.print = function () { console.log(this.message); }; return Message; })(); // This method is optional, is for customization dic_tsk.default.init(dicSettings); // Getting existing class dic_tsk.default.addScoped("MessageClass", () => new Message("Hello Alien")); const classInstance = dic_tsk.default.get("YourAdapterContext", "MessageClass"); console.log(classInstance.getMessage()); // Try to get a class that not exists const classInstance2 = dic_tsk.default.get("YourAdapterContext", "NotExistsClass"); /* So you will get an error like: - Without init method: ApplicationError: 'NotExistsClass' not found in dependencies container. - With previous call of init method: ApplicationError: di container don't has 'AuditProvider' dependency. */

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