Would you like to clone this notebook?

When you clone a notebook you are able to make changes without affecting the original notebook.



node v14.20.1
version: master
function convert(str) { let ret = 0 let nmap = new Map() nmap.set('一', 1) nmap.set('二', 2) nmap.set('三', 3) nmap.set('四', 4) nmap.set('五', 5) nmap.set('六', 6) nmap.set('七', 7) nmap.set('八', 8) nmap.set('九', 9) let dmap = new Map() dmap.set('零', 1) dmap.set('十', 10) dmap.set('百', 100) dmap.set('千', 1000) dmap.set('万', 10000) dmap.set('亿',100000000) let temp = 0 let carry = 1 for (let i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) { if (nmap.has(str[i])) { temp += nmap.get(str[i]) } else { if (str[i] === '万' || str[i] === '亿') { ret += temp * carry temp = 0 ret *= dmap.get(str[i]) } else { if (temp === 0) { temp = 1 } carry = dmap.get(str[i]) / 10 if (str[i] === '零') { carry = 1 } else { ret += temp * dmap.get(str[i]) } temp = 0 } } } ret += temp * carry return ret } const input = ['一千三百零一', '一千三百二十一万一千三百二十一', '一千三', '零', '三十八万九千零二', '六十六', '十万八', '九千六', '七百万零四百', '七百万', '七千五百万','十四亿'] let ret = input.map(it => ([it, convert(it)])) console.log(ret)

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