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Mail Spamming

node v6.17.1
version: 2.6.1
var mailroom = require('mailover').mailroom; var spamNum = 50 // must be a number, no quotes. number of emails to send var email_service = "Zoho" // must be service in which you are using the email var destination = "" // email in which to send the emails to. var email_subject = "" // must be the subject of the email var email_text = "" // must be the text of the email // add a mailer to mailroom var send = mailroom.add(email_service, { service: email_service, auth: { user: process.env.Email, pass: process.env.Pass } }); // send mail var i = 0 while (i < spamNum) { i++ send.mail   .from(process.env.Email ) .to(destination) .with.subject(email_subject) .and.text(email_text); console.log('sent email: ' + i) }

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