Would you like to clone this notebook?

When you clone a notebook you are able to make changes without affecting the original notebook.



node v8.17.0
version: 1.0.0
Reproducing bug reported at https://github.com/octokit/rest.js/issues/791
const nock = require('nock') const octokit14 = require('@octokit/rest@14.0.9')() const octokit15 = require('@octokit/rest@15.1.7')() nock.disableNetConnect() nock('https://api.github.com') .get('/orgs/octokit/repos?type=public') .reply(200, [], { Link: '<https://api.github.com/orgs/octokit/repos?type=public&page=2>; rel="next"' }) .get('/orgs/octokit/repos?type=public&page=2') .reply(403, {}) .persist() console.log('testin octokit v14') try { const response = await octokit14.repos.getForOrg({ org: 'octokit', type: 'public', }) var { data } = response; while (octokit14.hasNextPage(response)) { response = await octokit14.getNextPage(response) data = data.concat(response.data) } } catch (error) { console.log(`${error.name}: ${error.code}`); if (error.code) { console.log(`error.headers: ${JSON.stringify(error.headers)}`); } } console.log('testin octokit v15') try { const response = await octokit15.repos.getForOrg({ org: 'octokit', type: 'public', }) var { data } = response; while (octokit15.hasNextPage(response)) { response = await octokit15.getNextPage(response) data = data.concat(response.data) } } catch (error) { console.log(`${error.name}: ${error.code}`); if (error.code) { console.log(`error.headers: ${JSON.stringify(error.headers)}`); } }

1 comment

  • posted 5 years ago by melvius
    Anastaja aka Lillith aka Cookee aka Madison aka Aurora Diaz hacked my identity and drugged raped filmed and capitalized off my sentient being

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