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My First Playground

node v6.17.1
version: 1.0.0
This is a playground to test JavaScript. It runs a completely standard copy of Node.js on a virtual server created just for you. Every one of npm’s 300,000+ packages are pre-installed, so try it out:
const R = require('ramda'); const o = {action: 'refresh', row: {row: { action: '<a role="refresh">Refresh</a>', instrument: { value: 'Poke', _validated: 'true'}, amount: { value: 1000, _validated: 'true'}, sale: { value: true, _validated: 'true'} } }}; const i = ['k1.k2.a.actionkey:action', 'k1.k2.r.rowkey:row.row']; const log = (...x) => { return R.tap(console.log.bind(console, '--->', ...x)); }; const sanitizedPairs = R.pipe( R.split(':'), R.converge(R.pair, [R.head, R.last]), R.map(R.trim) ); const dotPath = R.useWith(R.path, [R.split('.')]); const propsDotPath = R.useWith(R.ap, [R.map(dotPath), R.of]); const newPath = R.compose(R.map(R.split('.')), R.pluck(0), R.map(sanitizedPairs)); const oldDotPath = R.compose(R.pluck(1), R.map(sanitizedPairs)); const newPairs = R.converge(R.zip, [newPath, R.uncurryN(2, R.compose(propsDotPath, oldDotPath))]); //newObj const fromDeepPairs = R.reduce((acc, xs) => R.assocPath(R.head(xs), R.last(xs), acc), {}); fromDeepPairs(newPairs(i)(o));

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