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node v10.24.1
version: master
var sinon = require("sinon") const { loadSuiteScriptModule } = require("netsumo"); var filePath = require("../app/userevent"); const FulfilmentUserEventModule = loadSuiteScriptModule(filePath) test("It sets my custom field value to Hello World!", ()=>{ //create a new instance of N/record var record = new NRecord(); //create a new item fulfilment record var itemFulfilmentRecord = record.create({ type:record.Type.ITEM_FULFILLMENT, id:1234, defaultValues:{ shipmethod:{ value:1, text:"DPD" } }, sublists:{ 'package':[{ packageweight:10, sys_id:1232342342434, sys_parentid:89842893742837, pkgWeightUnit:"lbs", packagedescr:"some description", shippingaddress: record.create({ // create a sublist subrecord (or use an existing Record reference) type: record.Type.Address, id: 1235, defaultValues:{ addr1: 'Main street' } }) }] } }) //Instantiate our module, passing in our dependencies const fulfilmentUserEvent = FulfilmentUserEventModule({ "N/record":record }) //Execute the beforeSubmit method, passing in our context fulfilmentUserEvent.beforeSubmit({ type:"create", UserEventType:{ CREATE:"create", EDIT:"edit" }, newRecord:itemFulfilmentRecord }) //Perform assertions expect(itemFulfilmentRecord.getValue("custbody_a_custom_field")).toBe("Hello World!") })

1 comment

  • posted 5 years ago by gsiteiovn
    Lỗi : Không thể tìm thấy mô-đun '../app/userevent'

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