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RunKit + npm: deep-object-diff

node v8.17.0
version: master
const { diff, addedDiff, deletedDiff, detailedDiff, updatedDiff } = require("deep-object-diff"); const wrong = { dict_hierarchy_objective: 1, dict_hierarchy_case: 1, dict_hierarchy_grammar: 1, dict_hierarchy_first_person: 1, dict_hierarchy_person: 1, }; const right = { dict_hierarchy_possessive : 1, dict_hierarchy_case: 1, dict_hierarchy_grammar: 1, dict_hierarchy_first_person: 1, dict_hierarchy_person: 1, }; /* const wrong = [ "Tom", ",", "was", "involved", "in" ]; const right = [ "Tom", "was", "involved", "in" ]; */ console.log(detailedDiff(wrong, right));
Created from: https://npm.runkit.com/deep-object-diff

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