Would you like to clone this notebook?

When you clone a notebook you are able to make changes without affecting the original notebook.


Rambda cloning

node v6.17.1
version: 3.0.0
Rambda shallow cloning
const R = require("ramda"); var foo = Object.freeze([Object.freeze({foo: 123}), Object.freeze({bar: 5})]) var xLens = R.lensPath([0, 'foo']); var bar = R.set(xLens, 4, foo); //=> {x: 4, y: 2} [ Object.isFrozen(foo), Object.isFrozen(bar), Object.isFrozen(foo[0]), Object.isFrozen(bar[0]), Object.isFrozen(foo[1]), Object.isFrozen(bar[1]), foo[0] === bar[0], foo[1] === bar[1], bar[0].foo === 4 ];
Created from: https://runkit.com/npm/lodash

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