Would you like to clone this notebook?

When you clone a notebook you are able to make changes without affecting the original notebook.


ajv #238

node v4.9.1
version: master
var schema1 = { id: 'schema1', properties: { foo: {'type': 'string'} }, additionalProperties: false }; var schema2 = { id: 'schema2', properties: { bar: {'type': 'string'} } }; var schema3 = { id: 'schema3', properties: { baz: {'type': 'string'} } }; Ajv = require('ajv'); var ajv = new Ajv({v5: true}); require('ajv-merge-patch')(ajv); ajv.addSchema(schema1); ajv.addSchema(schema2); ajv.addSchema(schema3); var validate = ajv.compile({ id: 'schema', $merge: { source: { $merge: { source: { "$ref": "schema1" }, with: { "$ref": "schema2" } } }, with: { "$ref": "schema3" } } }); console.log(validate({foo:1})); // false console.log(validate({bar:1})); // false console.log(validate({baz:1})); // false console.log(validate({additional:1})); // false console.log(validate({foo: '1', bar: '2', baz: '3'})); // true

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