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tar-transform ✂️ transform

node v10.24.1
version: 1.0.0-beta.1
transform, remove entries from, or add entries into a (gzipped) tarball using tar-transform
const tt = require("tar-transform"); const fetch = require("node-fetch"); const routes = { /** no-op */ "original-file": () => tt.transform({ onEntry(entry) { this.push(entry); }, }), /** Transform path for each entry: prefix with my-root/ */ "transform-entry-path": () => tt.transform({ onEntry(entry) { const headers = this.util.headersWithNewName( entry.headers, "my-root/" + entry.headers.name, ); this.push({ ...entry, headers }); }, }), /** edit file content: prefix *.txt files */ "edit-file-content": () => tt.transform({ async onEntry(entry) { if (entry.headers.name.endsWith(".txt")) { const oldContent = await this.util.stringContentOfTarEntry(entry); const newContent = "HACKED BY tar-transform\n" + oldContent; this.push({ headers: entry.headers, content: newContent, }); } else { this.push(entry); } }, }), /** remove files from tarball: remove *.png files */ "remove-file": () => tt.transform({ onEntry(entry) { if (entry.headers.name.endsWith(".png")) { this.pass(entry); } else { this.push(entry); } }, }), /** * add files to tarball: * add a file including the directory structure using context */ "add-file": () => tt.transform({ initCtx: [], onEntry(entry) { this.ctx.push([entry.headers.name, entry.headers.type]); this.push(entry); }, onEnd() { this.push({ headers: { name: "file-structure.txt" }, content: this.ctx .map(([name, type]) => `[${type}]\t${name}`) .join("\n"), }); }, }), }; exports.endpoint = async (req, resp) => { const { pathname } = require("url").parse(req.url); const getTransformStream = routes[pathname.slice(1)]; if (!getTransformStream) { resp.end("invalid request url: " + resp.url); return; } const tgzStream = ( await fetch( "https://runkit.io/equalma/tar-transform-pack/branches/master/tgz", ) ).body; const extractStream = tt.extract(); const transformStream = getTransformStream(); const packStream = tt.pack({ gzip: true }); resp.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream"); resp.setHeader( "Content-Disposition", `attachment; filename="tar-transform-demo-${pathname.slice(1)}.tgz"`, ); tgzStream .pipe(extractStream) .pipe(transformStream) .pipe(packStream) .pipe(resp) .on("error", console.error); }; const urlRoot = process.env.RUNKIT_ENDPOINT_URL; const html = Object.keys(routes) .map(route => { const url = urlRoot + "/" + route; return ` <form method="get" action="${url}"> <button type="submit">${route}</button> <input readonly value="${url}"> </form> `; }) .join("\n");

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