Would you like to clone this notebook?

When you clone a notebook you are able to make changes without affecting the original notebook.


fastify-overview readme

node v16.18.0
version: 1.0.0
const fastify = require('fastify') async function run() { const app = fastify() // await the plugin registration! await app.register(require('fastify-overview')) // create your application as usual app.addHook('onSend', function hookRoot () {}) app.register(function register1 (instance, opts, next) { instance.addHook('onRequest', function hook1 () {}) instance.register(function register2 (sub, opts, next) { sub.addHook('onRequest', function hook2 () {}) next() }) next() }) // read your application structure when fastify is ready let showIt app.addHook('onReady', function showStructure (done) { const appStructure = app.overview() console.log(JSON.stringify(appStructure, null, 2)) showIt = appStructure done(null) }) await app.listen(3000) return showIt } run()

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