Would you like to clone this notebook?

When you clone a notebook you are able to make changes without affecting the original notebook.


RunKit + npm: c-promise2

node v10.24.1
version: 1.0.0
var CPromise = require("c-promise2"); const timestamp= Date.now(); function log(message, ...values){ console.log(`[${Date.now()- timestamp}ms] ${message}`, ...values); } const delay= (ms, value)=>{ return new CPromise((resolve, reject, {onCancel}) => { const timer = setTimeout(resolve, ms, value); onCancel(() => { log(`clearTimeout`); clearTimeout(timer); }) }) } const chain = delay(1000, 1).label('first chain') .then((value)=> delay(1000, value + 1)).label('second chain') .then((value)=> delay(1000, value + 1)).label('third chain') .then((value)=> delay(1000, value + 1).label('inner chain')).label('fourth chain') .then((value)=> delay(1000, value + 1)).label('fifth chain') .progress((value, scope)=> log(`Pending progress ${value} (${scope.label()})`)); const echoChainState= ()=>console.log(`Is pending: ${chain.isPending}\nIs canceled: ${chain.isCanceled}`); echoChainState(); chain .then((value) => { log(`Done with value '${value}'`); // [1006ms] CanceledError: canceled }).label('final') .catch((err)=>{ log(`cancelled with error : ${err} on '${err.scope.label()}'`); // [1006ms] CanceledError: canceled }, CPromise.CanceledError) .catch(err=>{ log(`Some other error occurred: ${err}`); }) .finally(() => { echoChainState(); }); setTimeout(()=> chain.cancel(), 3500); // Close the chain after 1000ms
Created from: https://npm.runkit.com/c-promise2

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