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Testing Valibot

node v18.11.0
version: 3.0.0
const { email, enumType, minLength, maxLength, object, string, safeParse, isoDateTime } = require("valibot") const LoginSchema = object({ email: string([email()]), password: string([minLength(8)]), }); const UserProfileSchema = object({ email: string([email()]), firstName: string([minLength(1)]), lastName: string([minLength(1)]), dateOfBirth: string([isoDateTime()]), }); const EmailSchema = string([email()]) const ValidateLength = string([minLength(10), maxLength(13)]) console.log('LoginSchema', safeParse(LoginSchema, { email: 'testje', password: 'ValidPassword' })) console.log('LoginSchema', safeParse(LoginSchema, { email: 'raymon@byrayray.dev', password: 'ValidPassword' })) console.log('UserProfileSchema', safeParse(UserProfileSchema, { email: 'raymon@byrayray.dev', firstName: 'RayRay', lastName: 'Lalal', dateOfBirth: '1988-07-11T19:34' })) console.log('EmailSchema', safeParse(EmailSchema, 'rayray@gmail.com')) console.log('ValidateLength', safeParse(ValidateLength, 'iwdfolspaken'))

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