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Dynamic Badge Formatter

node v14.20.1
version: 1.0.0
const axios = require("axios"); const express = require("@runkit/runkit/express-endpoint/1.0.0"); const moment = require("moment"); const app = express(exports); /** * This object contains text formatters adapted from shields.io, a project in the public domain. * @see https://github.com/badges/shields/blob/master/services/text-formatters.js */ const formatters = { starRating(rating, max = 5) { const flooredRating = Math.floor(rating); let stars = ""; while (stars.length < flooredRating) { stars += "★"; } const decimal = rating - flooredRating; if (decimal >= 0.875) { stars += "★"; } else if (decimal >= 0.625) { stars += "¾"; } else if (decimal >= 0.375) { stars += "½"; } else if (decimal >= 0.125) { stars += "¼"; } while (stars.length < max) { stars += "☆"; } return stars; }, // Convert ISO 4217 code to unicode string. currencyFromCode(code) { return ( { CNY: "¥", EUR: "€", GBP: "₤", USD: "quot;, }[code] || code ); }, ordinalNumber(n) { const s = ["ᵗʰ", "ˢᵗ", "ⁿᵈ", "ʳᵈ"]; const v = n % 100; return n + (s[(v - 20) % 10] || s[v] || s[0]); }, // Given a number (positive or negative), string with appropriate unit in the metric system, SI. // Note: numbers beyond the peta- cannot be represented as integers in JS. metric(n) { const metricPrefix = ["k", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z", "Y"]; const metricPower = metricPrefix.map((a, i) => Math.pow(1000, i + 1)); for (let i = metricPrefix.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const limit = metricPower[i]; const absN = Math.abs(n); if (absN >= limit) { const scaledN = absN / limit; if (scaledN < 10) { // For "small" numbers, display one decimal digit unless it is 0. const oneDecimalN = scaledN.toFixed(1); if (oneDecimalN.charAt(oneDecimalN.length - 1) !== "0") { const res = `${oneDecimalN}${metricPrefix[i]}`; return n > 0 ? res : `-${res}`; } } const roundedN = Math.round(scaledN); if (roundedN < 1000) { const res = `${roundedN}${metricPrefix[i]}`; return n > 0 ? res : `-${res}`; } else { const res = `1${metricPrefix[i + 1]}`; return n > 0 ? res : `-${res}`; } } } return `${n}`; }, // Remove the starting v in a string. omitv(version) { if (version.charCodeAt(0) === 118) { return version.slice(1); } return version; }, // Add a starting v to the version unless: // - it does not start with a digit // - it is a date (yyyy-mm-dd) addv(version) { const ignoredVersionPatterns = /^[^0-9]|[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}/; version = `${version}`; if (version.startsWith("v") || ignoredVersionPatterns.test(version)) { return version; } else { return `v${version}`; } }, maybePluralize(singular, countable, plural) { plural = plural || `${singular}s`; if (countable && countable.length === 1) { return singular; } else { return plural; } }, formatDate(d) { const date = moment(d); const dateString = date.calendar(null, { lastDay: "[yesterday]", sameDay: "[today]", lastWeek: "[last] dddd", sameElse: "MMMM YYYY", }); // Trim current year from date string return dateString.replace(` ${moment().year()}`, "").toLowerCase(); }, formatRelativeDate(timestamp) { return moment() .to(moment.unix(parseInt(timestamp, 10))) .toLowerCase(); }, }; /** * Schema for shields.io endpoint badge content */ const contentSchema = [ "schemaVersion", // number, required, must be 1 "label", // string, required "message", // string, required "color", // string, default: "blue" "labelColor", // string, default: "grey" "isError", // boolean, default: false "namedLogo", // string, "logoSvg", // string, "logoColor", // string, "logoWidth", // number, "logoPosition", // number, "style", // string, default: "flat" "cacheSeconds", // number, default: 300 ]; /** * Default route for creating the content for the shields.io endpoint * * Path parameters: * - dataType: string, optional, one of "json", "xml", or "yaml", default: "json" * * Query parameters: * - url: string, required, the JSON, XML, or YML URL to fetch a value from * - query: string, required, the JSON query for extracting a field for the value * - label: string, optional, the label to use for the badge, default: "custom badge" * - color: string, optional, the color to use for the badge, default: "blue" * - labelColor: string, optional, the color to use for the label, default: "grey" * - isError: boolean, optional, if true, the badge color is overriden to be red, default: false * - namedLogo: string, optional, the name of a logo to use from Simple Icons, default: none * - logoSvg: string, optional, the base64 encoded SVG content of a logo to use, default: none * - logo: string, optional, a named logo or a base64 encoded SVG content of a logo to use, overidden by namedLogo or logoSvg, default: none * - logoColor: string, optional, the color to use for the logo, default: none * - logoWidth: number, optional, the width of the logo, default: none * - logoPosition: number, optional, the position offset of the logo, default: none * - style: string, optional, the style of the badge (plastic, flat, flat-square, for-the-badge, or social), default: "flat" * - cacheSeconds: number, optional, the number of seconds to cache the response, default: 300 * - formatter: string, optional, the name of a formatter to use, default: none */ app.get("/:dataType?", async (req, res) => { try { const dataType = req.params.dataType || "json"; if (!["json", "xml", "yaml"].includes(dataType)) { throw new Error(`dataType must be json, xml, or yaml`); } const { query, url } = req.query; const baseUrl = `https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/${dataType}.json`; const result = await axios.get(`${baseUrl}?${new URLSearchParams({ query, url })}`); // get returned data and override with any query string parameters const merged = { ...result.data, ...req.query }; // if logo is set, use it as a default for namedLogo/logoSvg depending on its content if (/^data:/.test(merged.logo) && !merged.logoSvg) { merged.logoSvg = merged.logo; } else if (merged.logo && !merged.namedLogo) { merged.namedLogo = merged.logo; } // format the badge message if (merged.formatter in formatters) { merged.message = formatters[merged.formatter](merged.message); } const content = { schemaVersion: 1 }; contentSchema.forEach((key) => { if (typeof merged[key] === "string") { content[key] = merged[key]; } }); res.json(content); } catch (e) { res.json({ schemaVersion: 1, label: "error", message: e.message, isError: true, }); } });

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