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untitled notebook

node v6.17.1
version: master
const Axios = require('axios') const Future = require('fluture') const Immutable = require('seamless-immutable') const Maybe = require('ramda-fantasy').Maybe const R = require('ramda') const RA = require('ramda-adjunct') const A = [ { candidate_id: '59100', job_title: 'Officer' }, { candidate_id: '12345', job_title: 'Candlestick Maker' }, ] const B = [ { candidate_id: '12345', job_title: 'Cook' }, { candidate_id: '12345', job_title: 'Chef' }, { candidate_id: '12345', job_title: 'Pilot' }, { candidate_id: '12345', job_title: 'Teacher' }, { candidate_id: '12344', job_title: 'Chef' }, { candidate_id: '12341', job_title: 'Construction' }, ] const byId = R.groupBy(R.prop('candidate_id')) R.compose(R.values, R.useWith(R.merge, [byId, byId]))(A, B)

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