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Epidemic Broadcast Trees

node v6.17.1
version: master
var pull = require('pull-stream') var createEbtStream = require('epidemic-broadcast-trees') var Obv = require('obv') //create a datamodel for a reliable chat room. function createChatModel (id, log) { //in this example, logs can be a map of arrays, var logs = {} if(id) logs[id] = log || [] var onAppend = Obv() return { logs: logs, append: function append (msg) { (logs[msg.author] = logs[msg.author] || []).push(msg) onAppend.set(msg) }, onAppend: onAppend } } function createStream(chat) { //so the vector clock can be var vectorClock = {} for(var k in chat.logs) vectorClock[k] = chat.logs[k].length //observables are like an event emitter but with a stored value //and only one value per instance (instead of potentially many named events) var stream = createEbtStream( //pass a get(id, seq, cb) function (id, seq, cb) { if(!chat.logs[id] || !chat.logs[id][seq-1]) return cb(new Error('not found')) cb(null, chat.logs[id][seq-1]) }, //pass append(msg, cb) function (msg, cb) { chat.append(msg) cb() } ) ({ seqs: vectorClock, }) chat.onAppend(stream.onAppend) return stream } var alice = createChatModel('alice', []) var bob = createChatModel('bob') var as = createStream(alice) var bs = createStream(bob) pull(as, bs, as) //have bob get ready to receive something bob.onAppend(function (msg) { console.log('msg at bob:', msg) }) //have alice send a message to bob alice.append({author: 'alice', sequence: 1, content: 'hello bob!'}) console.log(0)

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