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BE App Versions for Shields.io

node v10.24.1
version: 3.0.13
/** * BE RUNKIT LAMBDA * APP VERSIONS FOR SHIELDS.IO * * @author Eric L. * @copyright 2020, BE * @see https://www.its-be-studio.com * @version 3.x */ module.exports.endpoint = function(req, res) { res.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); // Gets the `appName` from the URL whose version information is required. const appName = req.url.substr(1); // Fetch the versions JSON from BE. const request = require("request"); let jsonObject; const url = "https://www.its-be-studio.com/cdn/versions.json"; request(url, function(error, response, body) { if (!error && response.statusCode === 200) { jsonObject = JSON.parse(body); // On successful retrieval of versions JSON sends response to use as endpoint at shields.io. res.end(JSON.stringify({ schemaVersion: 1, label: jsonObject[appName]["alias"], message: jsonObject[appName]["version"], color: jsonObject[appName]["colour"] })); } }); }

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