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Luxon - data-fns - moment

node v8.17.0
version: master
// 2017-01-01 const date20170101 = new Date("2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"); // Luxon - 1-index const { DateTime } = require('luxon'); console.log("Luxon:get:" + DateTime.fromJSDate(date20170101).month); // => 1 console.log("Luxon:set:" + DateTime.fromJSDate(date20170101).set({ month: 1 }).month); // => 1 // date-fns - 0-indexed const {getMonth, setMonth} = require('date-fns'); console.log("date-fns:get:"+ getMonth(date20170101)); // => 0 console.log("date-fns:set:"+ getMonth(setMonth(new Date(2017, 1, 1), 0))); // => 0 // moment - 0-indexed const moment = require('moment'); console.log("moment:get:"+ moment(date20170101).month()); // => 0 console.log("moment:set:"+ moment(date20170101).month(0).month()); // => 0

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