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RunKit + npm: ooura

node v6.17.1
version: 1.0.0
var ooura = require('ooura'); // Set up an input signal of size 8; let input = new Float64Array([1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4]); // Set up the FFT object and use a helper to generate an output array // of correct length and type. let oo = new ooura(input.length, {"type":"real", "radix":4}); let output = oo.scalarArrayFactory(); //helper to get single sided complex arrays let re = oo.vectorArrayFactory(); let im = oo.vectorArrayFactory(); //do some FFTing in both directions (using the built in helper functions to get senseful I/O) //note: reference underlying array buffers for in-place processing oo.fft(input.buffer, re.buffer, im.buffer); //populates re and im from input oo.ifft(output.buffer, re.buffer, im.buffer); //populates output from re and im // look at the results and intermediate representation console.log("ip = " + input); console.log("re = " + re); console.log("im = " + im); console.log("op = " + output);
Created from: https://npm.runkit.com/ooura

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