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en-inflectors DEMO

node v4.9.1
version: master
const Inflectors = require("en-inflectors").Inflectors; // VERB // try regular verb (e.g. "want"), // irregular verbs (e.g. "went"), // and madup verbs (e.g. "mew") // also, your input does not have to be // in infinitive form ... try a past participle verb // for example "mewed". const verb = "want"; // NOUN // it will detect whether the noun // is singular or plural // then it will give you the singular, if it was plural // and the plural if it was singular const noun = "module"; // ADJECTIVES // it will convert your adjective // to comparative form // and superaltive form const adjv = "fast"; // press shift + enter to run // you don't need to edit past this line // ------------------------------- console.log(`Verb conjugation '${verb}': ${new Inflectors(verb).toPresent()} ${new Inflectors(verb).toPast()} ${new Inflectors(verb).toPastParticiple()} ${new Inflectors(verb).toPresentS()} ${new Inflectors(verb).toGerund()}`); console.log(`Noun inflection '${noun}': ${new Inflectors(noun).isSingular() ? `is a singular noun, plural form is: ${new Inflectors(noun).toPlural()}`:`is a plural noun, singular form is: ${new Inflectors(noun).toSingular()}`}`); console.log(`Adjective inflection '${adjv}': ${new Inflectors(adjv).comparative()} ${new Inflectors(adjv).superlative()}`);

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