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DPS310 pressure sensor

node v8.17.0
version: 1.0.0
const Obniz = require('obniz'); const yourObnizId = 'obniz_id'; class DPS310 { constructor() { this.requiredKeys = []; this.keys = ['gpio3', 'vcc', 'gnd', 'scl', 'sda']; this.ioKeys = ['gpio3', 'vcc', 'gnd', 'scl', 'sda']; this.configration = { DPS310__STD_SLAVE_ADDRESS: 0x77, }; this.DPS310__OSR_SE = 3; this.DPS310__LSB = 0x01; this.DPS310__PRS_STD_MR = 2; this.DPS310__PRS_STD_OSR = 3; this.DPS310__TEMP_STD_MR = 2; this.DPS310__TEMP_STD_OSR = 3; this.DPS310__SUCCEEDED = 0; this.DPS310__FAIL_UNKNOWN = -1; this.DPS310__FAIL_INIT_FAILED = -2; this.DPS310__FAIL_TOOBUSY = -3; this.DPS310__FAIL_UNFINISHED = -4; this.prsMr = 0; this.prsOsr = 0; this.tempMr = 0; this.tempOsr = 0; this.m_lastTempScal = 0; this.mode = { IDLE: 0x00, CMD_PRS: 0x01, CMD_TEMP: 0x02, INVAL_OP_CMD_BOTH: 0x03, //invalid INVAL_OP_CONT_NONE: 0x04, //invalid CONT_PRS: 0x05, CONT_TMP: 0x06, CONT_BOTH: 0x07, }; this.opMode = this.mode.IDLE; this.bitFileds = { DPS310__REG_INFO_PROD_ID: { address: 0x0d, mask: 0x0f, shift: 0, }, DPS310__REG_INFO_REV_ID: { address: 0x0d, mask: 0xf0, shift: 4, }, DPS310__REG_INFO_TEMP_SENSORREC: { address: 0x28, mask: 0x80, shift: 7, }, DPS310__REG_INFO_TEMP_SENSOR: { address: 0x07, mask: 0x80, shift: 7, }, DPS310__REG_INFO_OPMODE: { address: 0x08, mask: 0x07, shift: 0, }, DPS310__REG_INFO_FIFO_FL: { address: 0x0c, mask: 0x80, shift: 7, }, DPS310__REG_INFO_FIFO_EN: { address: 0x09, mask: 0x02, shift: 1, }, DPS310__REG_INFO_TEMP_MR: { address: 0x07, mask: 0x70, shift: 4, }, DPS310__REG_INFO_TEMP_OSR: { address: 0x07, mask: 0x07, shift: 0, }, DPS310__REG_INFO_PRS_MR: { address: 0x06, mask: 0x70, shift: 4, }, DPS310__REG_INFO_PRS_OSR: { address: 0x06, mask: 0x07, shift: 0, }, DPS310__REG_INFO_PRS_SE: { address: 0x09, mask: 0x04, shift: 2, }, DPS310__REG_INFO_PRS_RDY: { address: 0x08, mask: 0x10, shift: 4, }, DPS310__REG_INFO_TEMP_SE: { address: 0x09, mask: 0x08, shift: 3, }, DPS310__REG_INFO_TEMP_RDY: { address: 0x08, mask: 0x20, shift: 5, }, }; this.dataBlock = { DPS310__REG_ADR_COEF: { address: 0x10, length: 18, }, DPS310__REG_ADR_PRS: { address: 0x00, length: 3, }, DPS310__REG_ADR_TEMP: { address: 0x03, length: 3, }, }; this.coeffs = {}; this.scaling_facts = [ 524288, 1572864, 3670016, 7864320, 253952, 516096, 1040384, 2088960, ]; } static info() { return { name: 'DPS310', datasheet: '', }; } wired(obniz) { this.obniz = obniz; this.obniz.setVccGnd(this.params.vcc, null, '3v'); this.obniz.setVccGnd(null, this.params.gnd, '5v'); this.obniz.wait(50); this.address = 0x77; this.params.sda = this.params.sda; this.params.scl = this.params.scl; this.params.clock = this.params.clock || 100 * 1000; this.params.mode = 'master'; this.params.pull = '3v'; this.i2c = obniz.getI2CWithConfig(this.params); this.obniz.wait(10); } async readByte(regAddress) { this.obniz.i2c0.write(this.address, [regAddress]); await this.obniz.wait(1); // console.log('readByte ' + regAddress); let results = await this.obniz.i2c0.readWait(this.address, 1); // console.log('readByte finished'); return results[0]; } async readByteBitfield(field) { let regAddress = field.address, mask = field.mask, shift = field.shift; let ret = await this.readByte(regAddress); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } if (mask !== undefined) { ret = ret & mask; } if (shift !== undefined) { ret = ret >> shift; } return ret; } async readBlock(datablock) { let address = datablock.address, length = datablock.length; await this.obniz.wait(1); this.i2c.write(this.address, [address]); let results = await this.i2c.readWait(this.address, length); return results; } async writeByte(regAddress, data, check) { this.i2c.write(this.address, [regAddress, data]); if (check) { if ((await this.readByte(regAddress)) !== data) { throw new Error('DPS310 data write failed'); } } } async writeByteBitfield(field, data, check) { let old = await this.readByte(field.address); let sendData = (old & ~field.mask) | ((data << field.shift) & field.mask); await this.writeByte(field.address, sendData, check); } async setOpModeDetail(background, temperature, pressure) { let opMode = ((background & this.DPS310__LSB) << 2) | ((temperature & this.DPS310__LSB) << 1) | (pressure & this.DPS310__LSB); return await this.setOpMode(opMode); } async setOpMode(opMode) { opMode &= this.bitFileds.DPS310__REG_INFO_OPMODE.mask >> this.bitFileds.DPS310__REG_INFO_OPMODE.shift; await this.writeByte( this.bitFileds.DPS310__REG_INFO_OPMODE.address, opMode ); this.opMode = opMode; // int16_t Dps310::setOpMode(uint8_t opMode) // { // //Filter irrelevant bits // opMode &= DPS310__REG_MASK_OPMODE >> DPS310__REG_SHIFT_OPMODE; // //Filter invalid OpModes // if(opMode == INVAL_OP_CMD_BOTH || opMode == INVAL_OP_CONT_NONE) // { // return DPS310__FAIL_UNKNOWN; // } // //Set OpMode // if(writeByte(DPS310__REG_ADR_OPMODE, opMode)) // { // return DPS310__FAIL_UNKNOWN; // } // m_opMode = (Dps310::Mode)opMode; // return DPS310__SUCCEEDED; // } } async standby() { this.setOpMode(this.mode.IDLE); await this.writeByteBitfield(this.bitFileds.DPS310__REG_INFO_FIFO_FL, 1); await this.writeByteBitfield(this.bitFileds.DPS310__REG_INFO_FIFO_EN, 0); } async configTemp(tempMr, tempOsr) { await this.writeByteBitfield( this.bitFileds.DPS310__REG_INFO_TEMP_MR, tempMr ); await this.writeByteBitfield( this.bitFileds.DPS310__REG_INFO_TEMP_OSR, tempOsr ); if (tempOsr > this.DPS310__OSR_SE) { await this.writeByteBitfield(this.bitFileds.DPS310__REG_INFO_TEMP_SE, 1); } else { await this.writeByteBitfield(this.bitFileds.DPS310__REG_INFO_TEMP_SE, 0); } this.tempMr = tempMr; this.tempOsr = tempOsr; } async configPressure(prsMr, prsOsr) { // int16_t Dps310::configPressure(uint8_t prsMr, uint8_t prsOsr) // { // //mask parameters await this.writeByteBitfield(this.bitFileds.DPS310__REG_INFO_PRS_MR, prsMr); await this.writeByteBitfield( this.bitFileds.DPS310__REG_INFO_PRS_OSR, prsOsr ); if (prsOsr > this.DPS310__OSR_SE) { await this.writeByteBitfield(this.bitFileds.DPS310__REG_INFO_PRS_SE, 1); } else { await this.writeByteBitfield(this.bitFileds.DPS310__REG_INFO_PRS_SE, 0); } this.prsMr = prsMr; this.prsOsr = prsOsr; } async readCoeffs() { console.log('readCoeffs'); let buffer = await this.readBlock(this.dataBlock.DPS310__REG_ADR_COEF); console.log('readCoeffs finished'); this.coeffs.m_c0Half = (buffer[0] << 4) | ((buffer[1] >> 4) & 0x0f); if (this.coeffs.m_c0Half & (1 << 11)) { this.coeffs.m_c0Half -= 1 << 12; } this.coeffs.m_c0Half = this.coeffs.m_c0Half / 2; this.coeffs.m_c1 = ((buffer[1] & 0x0f) << 8) | buffer[2]; if (this.coeffs.m_c1 & (1 << 11)) { this.coeffs.m_c1 -= 1 << 12; } this.coeffs.m_c00 = (buffer[3] << 12) | (buffer[4] << 4) | ((buffer[5] >> 4) & 0x0f); if (this.coeffs.m_c00 & (1 << 19)) { this.coeffs.m_c00 -= 1 << 20; } this.coeffs.m_c10 = ((buffer[5] & 0x0f) << 16) | (buffer[6] << 8) | buffer[7]; if (this.coeffs.m_c10 & (1 << 19)) { this.coeffs.m_c10 -= 1 << 20; } this.coeffs.m_c01 = (buffer[8] << 8) | buffer[9]; if (this.coeffs.m_c01 & (1 << 15)) { this.coeffs.m_c01 -= 1 << 16; } this.coeffs.m_c11 = (buffer[10] << 8) | buffer[11]; if (this.coeffs.m_c11 & (1 << 15)) { this.coeffs.m_c11 -= 1 << 16; } this.coeffs.m_c20 = (buffer[12] << 8) | buffer[13]; if (this.coeffs.m_c20 & (1 << 15)) { this.coeffs.m_c20 -= 1 << 16; } this.coeffs.m_c21 = (buffer[14] << 8) | buffer[15]; if (this.coeffs.m_c21 & (1 << 15)) { this.coeffs.m_c21 -= 1 << 16; } this.coeffs.m_c30 = (buffer[16] << 8) | buffer[17]; if (this.coeffs.m_c30 & (1 << 15)) { this.coeffs.m_c30 -= 1 << 16; } } async init() { console.log('start init'); let prodId = await this.readByteBitfield( this.bitFileds.DPS310__REG_INFO_PROD_ID ); if (prodId != 0) { console.error('prodId'); return; } console.log('prodId OK'); console.log('reading bits...'); await this.readByteBitfield(this.bitFileds.DPS310__REG_INFO_REV_ID); await this.readByteBitfield(this.bitFileds.DPS310__REG_INFO_TEMP_SENSORREC); console.log('setting bits...'); await this.writeByteBitfield( this.bitFileds.DPS310__REG_INFO_TEMP_SENSOR, 0 ); await this.readCoeffs(); await this.standby(); // // //set measurement precision and rate to standard values; await this.configTemp(this.DPS310__TEMP_STD_MR, this.DPS310__TEMP_STD_OSR); await this.configPressure( this.DPS310__PRS_STD_MR, this.DPS310__PRS_STD_OSR ); await this.standby(); // // //perform a first temperature measurement // //the most recent temperature will be saved internally // //and used for compensation when calculating pressure // int32_t trash; await this.measureTempOnce(); // // //make sure the DPS310 is in standby after initialization await this.standby(); // // // Fix IC with a fuse bit problem, which lead to a wrong temperature // // Should not affect ICs without this problem await this.correctTemp(); } async getSingleResult() { //read finished bit for current opMode let rdy; switch (this.opMode) { case this.mode.CMD_TEMP: //temperature rdy = await this.readByteBitfield( this.bitFileds.DPS310__REG_INFO_TEMP_RDY ); break; case this.mode.CMD_PRS: //pressure rdy = await this.readByteBitfield( this.bitFileds.DPS310__REG_INFO_PRS_RDY ); break; default: //DPS310 not in command mode return this.DPS310__FAIL_TOOBUSY; } let oldMode; //read new measurement result switch (rdy) { case this.DPS310__FAIL_UNKNOWN: //could not read ready flag throw new Error('DPS310__FAIL_UNKNOWN'); case 0: //ready flag not set, measurement still in progress return this.obniz.wait(10).then(() => { return this.getSingleResult(); }); case 1: //measurement ready, expected case oldMode = this.opMode; this.opMode = this.mode.IDLE; //opcode was automatically reseted by DPS310 switch (oldMode) { case this.mode.CMD_TEMP: //temperature return await this.getTemp(); //get and calculate the temperature value case this.mode.CMD_PRS: //pressure return await this.getPressure(); //get and calculate the pressure value default: throw new Error('DPS310__FAIL_UNKNOWN'); //should already be filtered above } } throw new Error('DPS310__FAIL_UNKNOWN'); } async startMeasureTempOnce(oversamplingRate) { await this.configTemp(0, oversamplingRate); await this.setOpModeDetail(0, 1, 0); } async startMeasurePressureOnce(oversamplingRate) { await this.configPressure(0, oversamplingRate); //set device to pressure measuring mode await this.setOpModeDetail(0, 0, 1); } calcPressure(raw) { let prs = raw; //scale pressure according to scaling table and oversampling prs /= this.scaling_facts[this.prsOsr]; //Calculate compensated pressure prs = this.coeffs.m_c00 + prs * (this.coeffs.m_c10 + prs * (this.coeffs.m_c20 + prs * this.coeffs.m_c30)) + this.m_lastTempScal * (this.coeffs.m_c01 + prs * (this.coeffs.m_c11 + prs * this.coeffs.m_c21)); //return pressure return prs; } calcTemp(raw) { let temp = raw; //scale temperature according to scaling table and oversampling temp /= this.scaling_facts[this.tempOsr]; //update last measured temperature //it will be used for pressure compensation this.m_lastTempScal = temp; //Calculate compensated temperature temp = this.coeffs.m_c0Half + this.coeffs.m_c1 * temp; //return temperature return temp; } async correctTemp() { this.writeByte(0x0e, 0xa5); this.writeByte(0x0f, 0x96); this.writeByte(0x62, 0x02); this.writeByte(0x0e, 0x00); this.writeByte(0x0f, 0x00); await this.measureTempOnce(); } async measureTempOnce(oversamplingRate) { if (oversamplingRate === undefined) { oversamplingRate = this.tempOsr; } await this.startMeasureTempOnce(oversamplingRate); await this.obniz.wait(100); let ret = await this.getSingleResult(); return ret; } async measurePressureOnce(oversamplingRate) { if (oversamplingRate === undefined) { oversamplingRate = this.prsOsr; } //start the measurement await this.startMeasurePressureOnce(oversamplingRate); await this.obniz.wait(100); // //wait until measurement is finished // delay(calcBusyTime(0U, m_prsOsr)/DPS310__BUSYTIME_SCALING); // delay(DPS310__BUSYTIME_FAILSAFE); let ret = await this.getSingleResult(); return ret; } async getTemp() { let data = await this.readBlock(this.dataBlock.DPS310__REG_ADR_TEMP); //compose raw temperature value from buffer let temp = (data[0] << 16) | (data[1] << 8) | data[2]; //recognize non-32-bit negative numbers //and convert them to 32-bit negative numbers using 2's complement if (temp & (1 << 23)) { temp -= 1 << 24; } let result = this.calcTemp(temp); // console.log( // '温度:' + JSON.stringify(data) + ' -> ' + temp + ' -> ' + result // ); return result; } async getPressure() { let data = await this.readBlock(this.dataBlock.DPS310__REG_ADR_PRS); let prs = (data[0] << 16) | (data[1] << 8) | data[2]; if (prs & (1 << 23)) { prs -= 1 << 24; } let result = this.calcPressure(prs); // console.log( // '気圧:' + JSON.stringify(data) + ' -> ' + prs + ' -> ' + result // ); return result; } } Obniz.PartsRegistrate(DPS310); (async function() { let obniz = new Obniz(yourObnizId, { auto_connect: false }); console.log('connecting...'); let connected = await obniz.connectWait({ timeout: 5 }); if (!connected) { // 5秒探してobnizが見つからない(オフラインの場合)は何もしない return false; } console.log('connected'); obniz.setVccGnd(11, 9, '5v'); let sensor = obniz.wired('DPS310', { gnd: 2, scl: 1, sda: 0, }); await sensor.init(); while (1) { let data = await sensor.measurePressureOnce(); console.log(data); obniz.wait(1000); } })();

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