const XRPLClient = require('rippled-ws-client')
// Added: respect "owner_funds", offer may be > funds
// (only the highest-ranked offer includes this field, so: keep per-account balance looping
// through the offers)
// Same: taker_gets_funded / taker_pays_funded
const precision = 4
const currency = {
// issuer: 'rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B', // Bitstamp USD
issuer: 'rhub8VRN55s94qWKDv6jmDy1pUykJzF3wq', // Gatehub USD
currency: 'EUR'
new XRPLClient('wss://').then(connection => {
console.log(`Connected. Fetching orderbook for ${currency.currency}.${currency.issuer}\n - Precision: ${precision}\n`)
Promise.all([ 'Gets', 'Pays' ].map(book => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
command: 'book_offers',
limit: 1000,
[ 'taker_' + book.toLowerCase() ]: { currency: 'XRP' },
[ 'taker_' + (book === 'Gets' ? 'pays' : 'gets') ]: currency
}).then(result => {
let offers = => {
let xrp = parseInt(r[ 'taker_' + book.toLowerCase() + '_funded' ] || r[ 'Taker' + book ]) / 1000000
let currField = typeof r[ 'taker_' + (book === 'Gets' ? 'pays' : 'gets') + '_funded' ] !== 'undefined' ? r[ 'taker_' + (book === 'Gets' ? 'pays' : 'gets') + '_funded' ] : r[ 'Taker' + (book === 'Gets' ? 'Pays' : 'Gets') ]
let curr = parseFloat(currField.value)
if (typeof r.owner_funds !== 'undefined') {
let ownerFunds = parseFloat(r.owner_funds)
if (book === 'Gets') {
// XRP
ownerFunds = ownerFunds / 1000000
// console.log(`${book} xrp ${xrp} ${ownerFunds}`)
xrp = Math.min(xrp, ownerFunds)
} else {
// console.log(`${book} curr ${curr} ${ownerFunds}`)
curr = Math.min(curr, ownerFunds)
let rate = curr / xrp
return {
book: book,
rate: rate,
roundedRate: Math.round(rate * 10 ** precision) / 10 ** precision,
value: { currency: curr, xrp: xrp }
[book.toLowerCase()]: {
offers: offers,
offerCount: offers.length,
startRate: offers[0].roundedRate,
book: offers.reduce((a, b) => {
let existingAtRate = a.filter(match => {
return match.rate === b.roundedRate
if (existingAtRate.length > 0) {
// Increase existing book value
a[a.indexOf(existingAtRate[0])].amountXrp += b.value.xrp
} else {
// New rate
rate: b.roundedRate,
amountXrp: b.value.xrp
return a
}, [])
})).then(results => {
results = results.reduce((a, b) => {
return Object.assign(a, { ...b })
}, {})
console.log(`Taker GETS # offers: ${results.gets.offerCount}, starting at: ${results.gets.startRate} ${currency.currency} / XRP\n`,, 15))
console.log(`Taker PAYS # offers: ${results.pays.offerCount}, starting at: ${results.pays.startRate} ${currency.currency} / XRP\n`,, 15))
connection.close().then(() => {
console.log('Closed connection.')