RunKit + npm: subwooferjs

node v10.24.1
version: master
var subwooferjs = require("subwooferjs"); var round = require("round"); // compare two enclosures with the same driver var RockfordP2D212 = new subwooferjs.driver(0.52, 81.5, 26, 13.3, 570, "12 inch round"); // 56 liters ported, or about 2cf, tuned to 35hz var portedSubwoofer = new subwooferjs.subwoofer(RockfordP2D212, new subwooferjs.enclosure(56, 35)); // 28 liters sealed, or about 1cf var sealedSubwoofer = new subwooferjs.subwoofer(RockfordP2D212, new subwooferjs.enclosure(28)); var f = 10; var bandwidth = 3; // make this bigger for more detail var responsecurves = [] while(f<200){ portedDb = round(portedSubwoofer.frequencyResponse(f), 0.1); sealedDb = round(sealedSubwoofer.frequencyResponse(f), 0.1); responsecurves.push({f, portedDb, sealedDb}); f = round(f * Math.pow(2, 1/bandwidth), 0.1); } console.log(responsecurves);
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