Commander Confusion

node v10.24.1
version: 1.0.0
const program = require("commander"); function count(...args) { console.log(args); } // program.version(pkg.version, "-v, --version"); program .command("count <component>") .description("counts the number of occurrences of each prop for a component") .option("--no-gitignore", "disable reading .gitignore files") .option( "--directory <directory>", "directory to use as the base for finding files instead of cwd" ) .option( "--files <pattern>", "glob pattern used to find input files", "**/*.{js,jsx,tsx}" ) .action(count); const args = [ process.argv[0], process.argv[1], "count", "a" ]; program.parse(args); args.push("b"); program.parse(args); args.push("c"); program.parse(args); undefined;

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