Would you like to clone this notebook?

When you clone a notebook you are able to make changes without affecting the original notebook.


untitled notebook

node v14.20.1
version: 1.0.0
var cs = require('coinstring'); var ecurve = require('ecurve'); var BigInteger = require('bigi'); var crypto = require('crypto'); var axios = require('axios'); var fs = require('fs'); let han = true; let priv = ''; //function rand(){ var z = ["0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","1","a","8","3","8","b","1","3","5","0","6","0","a","0","d","7"]; var h = ["0","0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","a","b","c","d","e","f","g"]; var i = h.indexOf(z[29]), i2 = h.indexOf(z[28]), i3 = h.indexOf(z[27]), i4 = h.indexOf(z[26]), i5 = h.indexOf(z[25]), i6 = h.indexOf(z[24]), i7 = h.indexOf(z[23]), i8 = h.indexOf(z[22]), i9 = h.indexOf(z[21]), i10 = h.indexOf(z[20]), i11 = h.indexOf(z[19]), i12 = h.indexOf(z[18]), i13 = h.indexOf(z[17]), i14 = h.indexOf(z[16]), i15 = h.indexOf(z[15]), i16 = h.indexOf(z[14]), i17 = h.indexOf(z[13]), i18 = h.indexOf(z[12]), i19 = h.indexOf(z[11]), i20 = h.indexOf(z[10]), i21 = h.indexOf(z[9]), i22 = h.indexOf(z[8]), i23 = h.indexOf(z[7]), i24 = h.indexOf(z[6]), i25 = h.indexOf(z[5]), i26 = h.indexOf(z[4]), i27 = h.indexOf(z[3]), i28 = h.indexOf(z[2]), i29 = h.indexOf(z[1]), i30 = h.indexOf(z[0]); while(han){ if(i>16){ i=0; i2=i2+1; }else{ if(i2>16){ i2=0; i3=i3+1; }else{ if(i3>16){ i3=0; i4=i4+1; }else{ if(i4>16){ i4=0; i5=i5+1; }else{ if(i5>16){ i5=0; i6=i6+1; }else{ if(i6>16){ i6=0; i7=i7+1; }else{ if(i7>16){ i7=0; i8=i8+1; }else{ if(i8>16){ i8=0; i9=i9+1; }else{ if(i9>16){ i9=0; i10=i10+1; }else{ if(i10>16){ i10=0; i11=i11+1; }else{ if(i11>16){ i11=0; i12=i12+1; }else{ if(i12>16){ i12=0; i13=i13+1; }else{ if(i13>16){ i13=0; i14=i14+1; }else{ if(i14>16){ i14=0; i15=i15+1; }else{ if(i15>16){ i15=0; i16=i16+1; }else{ if(i16>16){ i16=0; i17=i17+1; }else{ if(i17>16){ i17=0; i18=i18+1; }else{ if(i18>16){ i18=0; i19=i19+1; }else{ if(i19>16){ i19=0; i20=i20+1; }else{ if(i20>16){ i20=0; i21=i21+1; }else{ if(i21>16){ i21=0; i22=i22+1; }else{ if(i22>16){ i22=0; i23=i23+1; }else{ if(i23>16){ i23=0; i24=i24+1; }else{ if(i24>16){ i24=0; i25=i25+1; }else{ if(i25>16){ i25=0; i26=i26+1; }else{ if(i26>16){ i26=0; i27=i27+1; }else{ if(i27>16){ i27=0; i28=i28+1; }else{ if(i28>16){ i28=0; i29=i29+1; }else{ if(i29>16){ i29=0; i30=i30+1; }else{ if(i30>16){ //i30=0; han=false; }else{ priv = '0000000000000000000000000000000000'; var prive = h[i30]+''+h[i29]+''+h[i28]+''+h[i27]+''+h[i26]+''+h[i25]+''+h[i24]+''+h[i23]+''+h[i22]+''+h[i21]+''+h[i20]+''+h[i19]+''+h[i18]+''+h[i17]+''+h[i16]+''+h[i15]+''+h[i14]+''+h[i13]+''+h[i12]+''+h[i11]+''+h[i10]+''+h[i9]+''+h[i8]+''+h[i7]+''+h[i6]+''+h[i5]+''+h[i4]+''+h[i3]+''+h[i2]+''+h[i]; //readWriteAsync(); //readWriteSync(prive); xrand(priv+''+prive); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } i++; } //return '000000000000000000000000000000000000'+secureRandom.randomBuffer(14).toString('hex'); //return '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001a838b13505b26867'; // } function xrand(privatehex){ var privateKey = new Buffer.from(privatehex, 'hex'); var ecparams = ecurve.getCurveByName('secp256k1'); var curvePt = ecparams.G.multiply(BigInteger.fromBuffer(privateKey)); var x = curvePt.affineX.toBuffer(32); var y = curvePt.affineY.toBuffer(32); var publicKey = Buffer.concat([new Buffer.from([0x04]), x, y]); publicKey = curvePt.getEncoded(true); var sha = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(publicKey).digest(); var pubkeyHash = crypto.createHash('rmd160').update(sha).digest(); //save(pubkeyHash.toString('hex'), privateKey.toString('hex')); if(pubkeyHash.toString('hex')=='20D45A6A762535700CE9E0B216E31994335DB8A5'){ han=false; //save(pubkeyHash.toString('hex'), privateKey.toString('hex')); console.log("hex : "+privateKey.toString('hex')+" ripemd : "+pubkeyHash.toString('hex')); }else if(pubkeyHash.toString('hex')=='739437BB3DD6D1983E66629C5F08C70E52769371'){ han=false; //save(pubkeyHash.toString('hex'), privateKey.toString('hex')); console.log("hex : "+privateKey.toString('hex')+" ripemd : "+pubkeyHash.toString('hex')); }else{ //xrand(priv); //han=false; console.log("hex : "+privateKey.toString('hex')+" ripemd : "+pubkeyHash.toString('hex')); } } function save(publicKeyHash, privateKey){ axios.get('http://localhost:8070/hunter.php?ripemd='+publicKeyHash+'&hex='+privateKey); } function xray(publicKeyHash, privateKey){ save(publicKeyHash, privateKey); /*save(cs.encode(new Buffer.concat([privateKey, new Buffer.from([01])]), 0x80), cs.encode(Buffer.from(publicKeyHash, 'hex'), 0x00), response.data.data.confirmed_balance); */ } function readWriteSync(val) { //var data = fs.readFileSync('/sdcard/hex.txt', 'utf-8'); var newValue = val; //data.replace(/^\./gim, val); fs.writeFileSync('/sdcard/hex.txt', newValue, 'utf-8'); //console.log('readFileSync complete'); } //xrand(priv);

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