Formal Definition of a NFA

node v10.24.1
version: 1.0.0
// the five tuples const Q = states = new Set(['q1', 'q2', 'q3', 'q4']) const Sigma = alphabet = new Set(['0', '1']) const delta = transitionFunction = (state, symbol) => { const table = { 'q1': { '0': new Set(['q1']), '1': new Set(['q1', 'q2']), 'e': new Set() }, 'q2': { '0': new Set(['q3']), '1': new Set(), 'e': new Set(['q3']) }, 'q3': { '0': new Set(), '1': new Set(['q4']), 'e': new Set() }, 'q4': { '0': new Set(['q4']), '1': new Set(['q4']), 'e': new Set() } } return table[state][symbol] } const q0 = startState = 'q1' const F = finalStates = new Set(['q4'])
function union(setA, setB) { var _union = new Set(setA); for (var elem of setB) { _union.add(elem); } return _union; } const check = (string) => { let arr = string.split("") let currStates = new Set([q0]) for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++ ) { let _currStates = new Set() for (let state of currStates) { _currStates = union(_currStates, delta(state, arr[i])) } currStates = _currStates } for (let state of currStates) { if (F.has(state)) return 'accept' } return 'reject' }

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