Automatic Door

node v10.24.1
version: 1.0.0
From book Introduction of the theory of computation Page 31
// define the states const states = ['closed', 'open'] // let initial controller is at first state. let controller // define configurations const closed = (input) => { switch (input) { case 'neither': case 'rear': case 'both': controller = 0 break case 'front': controller = 1 break } } const open = (input) => { switch (input) { case 'front': case 'rear': case 'both': controller = 1 break case 'neither': controller = 0 break } } // next const next = (input) => { switch (controller) { case 0: closed(input) break case 1: open(input) break } }
// start business. controller = 0 next('front') next('rear') next('neither') states[controller] // output the state door is.

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