
node v4.9.1
version: 12.0.0
module.exports = bulkAddDriverTest /* [{ "ok": true, "id": "100", "rev": "1-5190881ca746eca2ce205be647a4f87f" }, { "ok": true, "id": "200", "rev": "1-eb2b4d10bd0c17043509e8b7faeaa180" }, { "ok": true, "id": "300", "rev": "1-cf1c5d4190efc543698efa71eddb5b6e" }, { "ok": true, "id": "400", "rev": "1-5ed61ab3bd832d566f2ac4bf88f43870" }, { "ok": true, "id": "500", "rev": "1-7accb86cf6c167dc71e89f75e3a2ea25" }] */ //{ ok: true, index: 2, id: '300' } function findProblemRecords(record) { return record.ok === false; } console.log(res.find(findProblemRecords)); // { name: 'cherries', quantity: 5 } function bulkAddDriverTest(a, b) { return function (err, res) { // what a and b are without having to have a global console.log("Any problem records? "); // console.log("Is there an error?: " + JSON.stringify(err)); // console.log("Is there a response ?: " + JSON.stringify(res)); console.log(res.find(findProblemRecords)===undefined); console.log("res[b.index].id === b.id " + res[b.index].id === b.id); console.log("third item id!: " + res[b.index].id); if (err === a && res.find(findProblemRecords) === undefined) { console.log('response: ' + JSON.stringify(res)) console.log('success! Done.') } else if (err === a && res.ok === b.ok && res.id !== b.id) { console.log('Problem! Your document\'s _id does not equal ' + b.id) } else { console.log('error! ' + JSON.stringify(err)) } } }

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