toxic's notebooks

  • time - /toxic/time
    Last edited 5 years ago
    var http = require("http") var express = require("express") app = express(); app.get('/', function (req, res, next) { var d = new Date(); res.send(200, d.getUTCHours()); }); var server = http.createServer(app); server.listen(9000); console.log("Express server listening...");
  • prediction - /toxic/prediction
    Last edited 6 years ago
    var tonicExpress = require("@runkit/runkit/express-endpoint/1.0.0") var request = require("request") var https = require('https'); // Just provide the exports object to the tonicExpress helper var app = tonicExpress(module.exports) var bodyParser = require('body-parser'); app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false })); function createjsonList(items) { return [ { "attachment":{ "type":"template", "payload":{ "template_type":"list", "top_element_style":"large", "elements": items } } } ]; } function createJsonListInstrumentItem (id, name) { return { "title":"Coinbase/" + id + "", "image_url":"" + id.toLowerCase() + ".png", "subtitle":"Predict " + name + " price on Coinbase", "buttons":[ { "set_attributes": {"current_product": id}, "block_names": ["en_choose_currency"], "type": "show_block", "title":"Predict " + id + "!" } ] } } function createJsonListCurrencyItem (source_id, id, name) { return { "title":"Coinbase/" + source_id + "/"+id, "image_url":"" + id.toLowerCase() + ".png", "subtitle":"Predict price the to exchange '" + name + "' with '" + source_id +"' on Coinbase", "buttons":[ { "set_attributes": {"exchange_currency": id}, "block_names": ["en_predict_price"], "type": "show_block", "title":"Predict " + source_id + "/" + id + "!" } ] } } var collections; app.get("/ping", (req, res) => res.send("pong!")) app.get("/instruments", (req, res) => route_with_data(req, res, () => res.json(buildInstruments()))) app.get("/instrument/:id", (req, res) => route_with_data(req, res, () => res.json(buildInstrument("/predict/:to/:from", (req, res) => route_with_data(req, res, () => res.json(predict(req)))) //app.get("/", (req, res) => route_with_data(req, res, () => res.json(buildInstrument('BCH')))) function predict(req) { let to =; let from = req.params.from; let price = req.body.prediction_price; let days = req.body.prediction_days; return { "messages": [ {"text": "Well done!"}, {"text": "You predicted " + to + "/" + from " will raise the price " + price + " in " + days + " days"} ] } } function buildInstrument(id) { let products = collections['products'] let currencies = collections['currencies'] let ids = [] for (var i in products) { if (products[i].from === id) { ids.push (products[i].to) } } let items = [] for (var i of ids) { var e = createJsonListCurrencyItem (id, i, currencies[i]) items.push (e); } return createjsonList(items) } function buildInstruments() { let ids = [] let products = collections['products'] let currencies = collections['currencies'] for (var i in products) { ids.push (products[i].from) } let items = [] for (var i of uniq(ids)) { var e = createJsonListInstrumentItem (i, currencies[i]) items.push (e); } return createjsonList(items) } function route_with_data (res, req, cb) { if (collections) { return cb() } return getFromGDAX (data => { collections = data return route_with_data (res, req, cb) }, e => res.status(500).send('Sorry, cannot get data!')) } function getFromGDAX(cb, err) { getJson ( '', body => { let products = extractProducts (body) getJson ( '', body2 => { let currencies = extractCurrencies (body2) cb ({products: products, currencies: currencies}) }, e2 => err(e2) ) }, e => err(e) ) } function getJson(url, cb, err) { request(url, { json: true, headers: { 'User-Agent': 'bullower'} }, (e, res, body) => { if (e) { return cb(e) } cb(body) }); } function extractCurrencies(data) { xs = {} for (var i in data) { xs[data[i].id] = data[i].name } return xs } function extractProducts(data) { xs = {} for (var i in data) { xs[data[i].display_name] = { from: data[i].base_currency, to: data[i].quote_currency, } } return xs } function uniq(a) { var seen = {}; return a.filter(function(item) { return seen.hasOwnProperty(item) ? false : (seen[item] = true); }); }