Would you like to clone this notebook?

When you clone a notebook you are able to make changes without affecting the original notebook.



node v10.24.1
version: 1.0.0
const { isValidElement } = require("react"); const { isArray } = Array; const ArrayMap = Array.prototype.map; const { hasOwnProperty } = Object; const toArray = value => value === void(0) ? [] : [].concat(value); module.exports = primitives => function collapse(element) { if (isArray(element)) return ArrayMap.call(element, collapse).filter(x => !!x); if (element === false || typeof element === "undefined") return false; // For strings, etc.?... if (!isValidElement(element)) return element; const { type, props } = element; const kind = typeof type; return kind === "function" ? collapse(type(props)) : kind === "string" ? hasOwnProperty.call(primitives, type) ? collapse(primitives[type](props)) : { ...element, props: { ...props, children: collapse(toArray(props.children)) } } : (() => { throw Errors.InvalidReactType(kind) })(); } const Errors = { InvalidElement: type => new Error( `Custom React rendering could not render non-React object of type ` + `"${type}".`), InvalidReactType: type => new Error( `Custom React rendering could not render element with type "${type}"`), NoDefinitionForPrimitiveElement: type => new Error( `Custom React rendering had no definitions for primitive element ` + `<${type}>.`) }

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