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untitled notebook

node v10.24.1
version: 2.0.0
const React = require("react"); const { data, union, number, parameterized, string } = require("@algebraic/type"); const type = require("@algebraic/type"); const { List, Map, Set } = require("@algebraic/collections"); const collapse = require("@runkit/tolmasky/react-collapse/1.0.0"); const { isValidElement } = require("react"); const Match = union `Match` ( data `OnStatus` ( status => number ), data `EverythingElse` () ); const Action = union `Action` ( data `ForwardResponse` (), data `ReplaceResponse` ( replacement => Object ), data `ModifyResponse` ( forwardedHeaders => Set(string), overwrittenHeaders => Map(string, string) ) ); Action.ReplaceResponse.fromProperties = () => Action.ReplaceResponse({ replacement: {} }); const header = (name, f = x => x, prop = "value") => ({ [prop]: value }) => <header { ...{ name, value: f(value) } } />; const headers = { /* "attachment": header("Content-Disposition", require("content-disposition"), "filename"),*/ "content-type": header("Content-Type"), "x-content-type-options": header("X-Content-Type-Options"), // "content-security-policy": require("./content-security-policy"), "access-control-allow-origin": header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin") }; Action.ModifyResponse.fromProperties = (function () { return toFromProperties(headers, (props, grouped) => Action.ModifyResponse ({ forwardedHeaders: Set(string)(grouped .get("forward", List(string)()) .map(({ props }) => Object.keys(props)[0])) .map(name => name.replace(/(?<=-|^)[a-z]/g, character => character.toUpperCase())), overwrittenHeaders: Map(string, string)(grouped .get("header", List(Object)()) .map(({ props: { name, value } }) => [name, value])) })); })(); const Case = data `Case` ( status => number, consequent => Action ); const Proxy = data `HTTP.Proxy` ( rerouteTo => string, cases => List(Case), fallback => Action ); Proxy.fromProperties = (function () { const toCaseOrAction = T => (props) => //{ "everything-else": fallback, status, ...props }) => props["everything-else"] ? //fallback ? T.fromProperties(props) : Case({ status: props.status, consequent: T.fromProperties(props) }); const primitives = { "replace": toCaseOrAction(Action.ReplaceResponse), "forward": toCaseOrAction(Action.ForwardResponse), "modify": toCaseOrAction(Action.ModifyResponse) }; return toFromProperties(primitives, (props, grouped) => Proxy ({ rerouteTo: props["reroute-to"], cases: grouped.get(Case, List(Case)()), fallback: grouped .get(Action.ReplaceResponse, List(Action)([Action.ForwardResponse])) .last() })); })(); const toArray = value => value === void(0) ? [] : [].concat(value); function toFromProperties(primitives, fromGroupedChildren) { const pCollapse = collapse(primitives); return props => //({ children, ...props }) => fromGroupedChildren(props, List(Object)(pCollapse(toArray(props.children))) .groupBy(child => isValidElement(child) ? child.type : type.of(child))); } /* Proxy.fromElement = (function () { const toCaseOrAction = fromElement => ({ "everything-else": fallback, status, ...props }) => fallback ? fromElement(props) : Case({ status, consequent: fromElement(props) }); const group = toGroupedChildren ({ "replace": toCaseOrFallback(Action.ReplaceResponse), "forward": toCaseOrFallback(Action.ForwardResponse), "modify": toCaseOrFallback(Action.ModifyResponse) }); return ({ props }) => (grouped = toGroupedChildren(props.children)) => Proxy ({ target: props.target, cases: grouped.get(Case, List(Case)()), fallback: grouped .get(Action, List(Action)([Action.ForwardResponse])) .last() }); })(); function toFromElement(T, primitives) { const toCaseOrAction = fromElement => ({ "everything-else": fallback, status, ...props }) => fallback ? fromElement(props) : Case({ status, consequent: fromElement(props) }); const collapse = require("@runkit/tolmasky/react-collapse/1.0.0") ({ "replace": toCaseOrFallback(Action.ReplaceResponse), "forward": toCaseOrFallback(Action.ForwardResponse), "modify": toCaseOrFallback(Action.ModifyResponse) }); return fromElement (element) { const { children } = collapse(element).props; const grouped = List(Object)(children) .groupBy(child => child.type); return T({ }); } }*/ /* Case.fromElement = toFromElement(children => { const status = props.status; const const forwards = grouped.get("forward"); } children.get(), Case({ }), { }); Proxy.fromElement = function ({ props }) { const grouped = List(Object)(props.children) .groupBy(child => child.type); const cases = grouped .get("case", List(Case)()) .map(Case.fromElement) . Proxy({ cases: List(Case)(), fallback: Action.ForwardResponse }); } const header = (name, f = x => x, prop = "value") => ({ [prop]: value }) => <http-header { ...{ name, value: f(value) } } />; const ProxyCollapse = require("@runkit/tolmasky/react-collapse/1.0.0") ({ "http-proxy": Proxy.fromElement });*/ require("@runkit/tolmasky/react-collapse/1.0.0") ({ "http-proxy": Proxy.fromProperties })( <http-proxy reroute-to = "https://pizza.com" > <modify status = { 200 } > <forward content-type /> <forward content-length /> <x-content-type-options value = "no-sniff"/> </modify> <replace everything-else> </replace> </http-proxy>); /* <case status = "" /> </case> <case> <replace> <ErrorResponse/> </replace> </case> /* const Proxy = data `HTTP.Proxy` ( rerouteTo => string, modifications => List(Rule) ); <http-proxy route-to = "http://somewhere-else.com" > <forward status = "200"> <forward> <forward> </forward> <replace everything-else> <ErrorResponse/> </replace> <fallback> <replace> </replace> </fallback> <modify status = "200"> </> </modify> <modify everything-else> <ErrorResponse/> </modify> </http-proxy>*/

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