AsyncMachine Async Dialog Example

node v8.17.0
version: master
Scenario: 1. User clicks the button 2. Data download begins 3. Pre-loader appears 4. Once data is fetched, the dialog replaces the preloader This example presents the following concepts: - automatic states - synchronous mutations - delayed mutations - loose coupling (logic responsible for downloading data doesn't know anything about the pre-loader) Scroll down to see log outputs.
const { machine } = require('asyncmachine') const state = { Enabled: {}, ButtonClicked: { require: ['Enabled'] }, ShowingDialog: {}, DialogVisible: { auto: true, drop: ['ShowingDialog'], require: ['DataDownloaded'] }, DownloadingData: { auto: true, require: ['ShowingDialog'] }, DataDownloaded: { drop: ['DownloadingData'] }, PreloaderVisible: { auto: true, require: ['DownloadingData'] } } class DialogManager { constructor(button, preloader) { this.preloader = preloader this.state = new machine(state) .logLevel(1) .id('DialogManager') .setTarget(this) this.dialog = new Dialog() button.addEventListener('click', this.state.addByListener('ButtonClicked')) } // Methods enable() { this.state.add('Enabled') } disable() { this.state.drop('Enabled') } // Transitions ButtonClicked_state() { this.state.add('ShowingDialog') // drop the state immediately after this transition this.state.drop('ButtonClicked') } DialogVisible_state() { // is guaranteed by the DataDownloaded state } DownloadingData_state() { let abort = this.state.getAbort('DownloadingData') fetchData().then(data => { // break if the state is no longer set (or has been re-set) // during the async call if (abort()) return = data this.state.add('DataDownloaded') }) } PreloaderVisible_state() { } PreloaderVisible_end() { this.preloader.hide() } } // --- Mock classes used in this example class Dialog { show() { console.log('Dialog shown') } } class Button { addEventListener(fn) {} } class Preloader { show() { console.log('Preloader show()') } hide() { console.log('Preloader hide()') } } function fetchData() { const data = [1, 2, 3] return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve.bind(data), 1000)) } // Create and run the instance const dm = new DialogManager(new Button(), new Preloader()) dm.enable() // simulate a button click dm.state.add('ButtonClicked')
Log output (level 1): [DialogManager] [states] +Enabled [DialogManager] [states] +ButtonClicked [DialogManager] [states] +ShowingDialog [DialogManager] [states] +DownloadingData +PreloaderVisible Preloader show() [DialogManager] [states] -ButtonClicked [DialogManager] [states] +DataDownloaded -DownloadingData -PreloaderVisible Preloader hide() [DialogManager] [states] +DialogVisible -ShowingDialog Dialog shown Log output (level 2): [DialogManager] [add] Enabled [DialogManager] [states] +Enabled [DialogManager] [add] ButtonClicked [DialogManager] [states] +ButtonClicked [DialogManager] [transition] ButtonClicked_state [DialogManager] [queue:add] ShowingDialog [DialogManager] [queue:drop] ButtonClicked [DialogManager] [add] ShowingDialog [DialogManager] [states] +ShowingDialog [DialogManager] [states] +DownloadingData +PreloaderVisible [DialogManager] [transition] DownloadingData_state [DialogManager] [transition] PreloaderVisible_state Preloader show() [DialogManager] [drop] ButtonClicked [DialogManager] [states] -ButtonClicked [DialogManager] [add] DataDownloaded [DialogManager] [drop] DownloadingData by DataDownloaded [DialogManager] [rejected] PreloaderVisible(-DownloadingData) [DialogManager] [states] +DataDownloaded -DownloadingData -PreloaderVisible [DialogManager] [transition] PreloaderVisible_end Preloader hide() [DialogManager] [drop] ShowingDialog by DialogVisible [DialogManager] [states] +DialogVisible -ShowingDialog [DialogManager] [transition] DialogVisible_state Dialog shown

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