If you run a full Bitcoin Node, you can retrieve the Merkle root of block "503275" and see if it equals the expected value of "c617f5faca34474bea7020d75c39cb8427a32145f9646586ecb9184002131ad9”.
You may also use a block explorer to look up the Merkle root of block "503275". For example, visit this URL click on the 'Advanced Details' button.
This displays the Merkle root of the block "503275". This matches the expected value of “c617f5faca34474bea7020d75c39cb8427a32145f9646586ecb9184002131ad9”, which confirms the Chainpoint proof is valid.
It's also possible to use an API to retrieve the Merkle root. In the following example, we're calling Blockcypher's API and looking for the "mrkl_root" property: