
node v6.17.1
version: 1.1.1
YouTube subscribers badge API endpoint for
const endpoint = require("@runkit/runkit/json-endpoint/1.0.0") const request = require("request") // peer dependency const requestPromise = require("request-promise") const URL = require("url").URL const URLSearchParams = require("url-search-params") const fetch = require("node-fetch") /** * @apiDescription YouTube subscribers badge API endpoint for * * 2021 by Vivien Richter <> * * @api {get} / Request shield schema * @apiVersion 1.0.0 * @apiName RequestShield * @apiGroup Shield * * @apiParam {String} id YouTube channel ID. * @apiParam {String} key YouTube API key. * * @apiSuccess {Number} schemaVersion Always the number 1. * @apiSuccess {String} labelColor The left color. * @apiSuccess {String} namedLogo One of the named logos supported by Shields or simple-icons. * @apiSuccess {String} label The left text. * @apiSuccess {String} color The right color. * @apiSuccess {String} message The amount of subscribers and 'SUBSCRIBERS'. * * @apiError {Number} schemaVersion Always the number 1. * @apiError {String} labelColor The left color. * @apiError {String} namedLogo One of the named logos supported by Shields or simple-icons. * @apiError {String} label The left text. * @apiError {String} color The right color. * @apiError {String} message Just 'CHANNEL'. */ endpoint(module.exports, async function(request) { try { // Gets required parameters var channelID = var APIkey = request.query.key // Prepares YouTube API endpoint var url = new URL(""); // Sets YouTube API parameters = new URLSearchParams({part: "statistics", id: channelID, key: APIkey}).toString(); // Fetching API request var response = await fetch(url) var json = await response.json() // Parsing request data var subscribers = json["items"][0]["statistics"]["subscriberCount"] // Creates status message if (typeof subscribers === "undefined") { var status = "CHANNEL" } else { var status = subscribers + " SUBSCRIBERS" } } catch(e) { var status = "CHANNEL" } return { schemaVersion: 1, labelColor: "red", namedLogo: "youtube", label: " ", color: "grey", message: status } })
Because we're using async/await, we're automatically returning a Promise. You can always explicitly return a promise too.

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