
node v18.11.0
version: 1.0.0
const crypto = require('crypto') // change these with values from the provably fair info const SECRET = 'fb659b4738748514374d98dccc4ee0ec17dc7a3dcbba5b88f2659fbe4a382ad8'; const GAME_ID = 'jcopep59k3gr4imiqz7nwzmowepja95n'; const BLOCK_HASH = '17ac4fe87407bb4a7a66f6daf193299d2917f7499effd303975ab5e8c6d52434'; const ROUND_COUNT = 7 const PLAYERS = [ "76561199063276068", "botK9mr7E8kExmj6xkp", "botYW7MTG5D1yiDxR10", "bot5RkobYid61DB9qBJ" ] const MAX_TICKETS = 100e3; const chunk = (arr, n) => arr.slice(0, ((arr.length + n - 1) / n) | 0).map((c, i) => arr.slice(n * i, n * i + n)); function* byteGenerator({ serverSeed, entropy, nonce, cursor }) { // Setup curser variables let currentRound = Math.floor(cursor / 32); let currentRoundCursor = cursor; currentRoundCursor -= currentRound * 32; // Generate outputs until cursor requirement fullfilled while (true) { // HMAC function used to output provided inputs into bytes const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha256', serverSeed); hmac.update(`${entropy}:${nonce}:${currentRound}`); const buffer = hmac.digest(); // Update curser for next iteration of loop while (currentRoundCursor < 32) { yield Number(buffer[currentRoundCursor]); currentRoundCursor += 1; } currentRoundCursor = 0; currentRound += 1; } } const generateFloats = ({ serverSeed, entropy, nonce, cursor, count, }) => { // Random number generator function const rng = byteGenerator({ serverSeed, entropy, nonce, cursor }); // Declare bytes as empty array const bytes = []; // Populate bytes array with sets of 4 from RNG output while (bytes.length < count * 4) { bytes.push(; } // Return bytes as floats using lodash reduce function return chunk(bytes, 4).map(bytesChunk => bytesChunk.reduce((result, value, i) => { const divider = 256 ** (i + 1); const partialResult = value / divider; return result + partialResult; }, 0)); }; function getRoll(privateKey, blockHash, gameId, playerId, round) { const [roll] = generateFloats({ serverSeed: privateKey, entropy: `${gameId}-${blockHash}-${playerId}`, nonce: round, cursor: 0, count: 1, }); return roll; } for (let round = 0; round < ROUND_COUNT; round++) { for (const userId of PLAYERS) { const roll = getRoll(SECRET, BLOCK_HASH, GAME_ID, userId, round + 1) console.log(`Round ${round + 1} - ${userId} rolled ${roll * 100}`) } }

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