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Hashtable - Mixed inputs

node v10.24.1
version: master
function HashTable(size = 13) { const _store = []; const _size = size; function hash(string) { let index = 0; for(let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) { index += string.charCodeAt(i) * (i+1); } return index % _size; } function findMatchingIndex(list, key) { for(let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if(list[i][0] === key) return i; } } return { setElement(key, value) { const index = hash(key); if(!_store[index]) { _store[index] = [ [key, value] ]; } else { const list = _store[index]; const matchingIndex = findMatchingIndex(list, key); if(matchingIndex) { list[matchingIndex] = [key, value]; return; } list.push([key, value]); } }, getElement(key) { const index = hash(key); if(_store[index]) { const list = _store[index]; const matchingIndex = findMatchingIndex(list, key); if(matchingIndex) return list[matchingIndex][1]; } }, dump() { return _store; } } } const ht = new HashTable(); ht.setElement("name", "Vasya"); ht.setElement("boroda", "Boroda"); ht.setElement("band", "Ramones"); ht.setElement("operating system", "Linux"); ht.setElement("soer", "soer"); ht.setElement("lost", "4815162342"); ht.setElement("male", "Alex"); ht.setElement("film", "Godfather"); ht.setElement("price", "100500"); console.log(ht.getElement("boroda")); console.log(ht.getElement("male")); console.log(ht.getElement("soer")); console.log(ht.getElement("lost")); console.log(ht.getElement("price")); console.log(ht.getElement("film")); console.log(ht.getElement("name")); console.log(ht.getElement("band")); console.log(ht.getElement("operating system")); console.log(ht.getElement("8080")); ht.dump();

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