Scott Encoding

node v10.24.1
version: 1.0.0
const Maybe = { Nothing: x => { return x.Nothing; }, Just: a => x => { return x.Just(a); } }; const map = (f, x) => x( { Just: a => Maybe.Just(f(a)) , Nothing: Maybe.Nothing } ) const flatMap = (f, x) => x( { Just: f , Nothing: Maybe.Nothing } ) const divide = (x, y) => y === 0 ? Maybe.Nothing : Maybe.Just(x / y) [ Maybe.Nothing; , flatMap(x => divide(x, 2), map(x => x + 5, Maybe.Just(5))) , Maybe.Just("hi") , Maybe.Just(true) ].forEach(example => { // example of how to "pattern match" on these vals const result = example({ Nothing: "there was nothing here", Just: a => "there was something here: " + a }); console.log(result); });

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