fab test

node v8.17.0
version: 1.0.0
module.exports = ( function source() { fab = function() { var stack = []; return collect.apply( this, arguments ); function collect( fn ) { var args = stack.slice.call( arguments ), length = args.length; if ( !length ) fn = fab.self; if ( length > 1 ) fn = fab( fn ).apply( this, args.slice( 1 ) ); fn = ( fn && fab[ fn.constructor.name ] || fab.body )( fn ); stack.unshift( fn ); return reduce(); } function reduce() { if ( stack[ 0 ].length ) return collect; if ( stack.length == 1 ) return stack.shift(); if ( stack[ 1 ] == fab.self ) { var app = stack[ 0 ]; stack.splice( 1, 1 ); reduce(); stack.unshift( app ); } stack.splice( 0, 2, stack[ 1 ]( stack[ 0 ] ) ); return reduce(); } } fab.body = function( obj ) { return function() { var out = this({ body: obj }); if ( out ) out(); } } fab.map = function( fn ) { return function( app ) { return function() { var out = this; return app.call( function listener( obj ) { if ( obj ) arguments[ 0 ] = fn.call( obj, obj ); out = out.apply( this, arguments ); return listener; }) } } } fab.tap = function( fn ) { return function( app ) { return function() { fn(); return app.call( this ); } } } fab.echo = function() { return this; } fab.method = ( function( names ) { for ( var name; name = names.pop(); ) method[ name ] = method( name ); return method; function method() { var methods = {}, len = arguments.length; for ( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { methods[ arguments[ i ] ] = true; } return function( hit ) { return function( miss ) { return function() { var out = this; return function( head ) { var app = head.method in methods ? hit : miss; app = app.call( out ); if ( app ) app = app( head ); return app; } } } } } })( [ "GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE" ] ) fab.path = function( pattern ) { var proto = Array.prototype, match = { String: function( url ) { if ( path.indexOf( pattern ) ) return false; url.pathname = url.pathname.substr( pattern.length ); return true; }, RegExp: function( url ) { var match = false; url.pathname = url.pathname.replace( pattern, function() { match = true; var capture = proto.slice.call( arguments, 1, -2 ); if ( !url.capture ) url.capture = capture; else proto.push.apply( url.capture, capture ); return ""; }); return match; } }[ pattern.constructor.name ]; return function( hit ) { return function( miss ) { return function() { var out = this; return function( head ) { var app = match( head.url ) ? hit : miss; app = app.call( out ); if ( app ) app = app( head ); return app; } } } } } fab.capture = fab.map( function( obj ) { return { body: obj.url ? obj.url.capture : [] }; })( fab.echo ) fab.status = function( code ) { code = +code; return function() { var out = this({ status: code }); if ( out ) out(); } } fab.stringify = fab.map( function( obj ) { var body = obj.body; if ( typeof body != "string" ) obj.body = JSON.stringify( body ); return obj; }) fab.tmpl = function( source ) { var fn; source.call( function( obj ) { fn = new Function( "var p=[];p.push('" + obj.body .replace( /[\r\t\n]/g, " " ) .replace( /'(?=[^%]*%>)/g, "\t" ) .split( "'" ).join( "\\'" ) .split( "\t" ).join( "'" ) .replace( /<%=(.+?)%>/g, "',$1,'" ) .split( "<%" ).join( "');" ) .split( "%>" ).join( "p.push('" ) + "');return p.join('');" ); }); return function( app ) { // TODO: fn might not be defined yet for async app = fab.map( function( obj ) { obj.body = fn.call( obj.body ); return obj; })( app ); return function() { return app.call( this ) }; } }; fab.nodejs = function( app ) { var url = require( "url" ); return function() { var request = arguments[ 0 ], response = arguments[ 1 ], headers = undefined, status = 200, _encoding = "ascii", inbound = app.call( listener ); if ( inbound ) { inbound = inbound({ method: request.method, headers: request.headers, url: url.parse( request.url ) }); } if ( inbound ) { request .addListener( "end", inbound ) .addListener( "data", function( body ) { if ( inbound ) inbound = inbound({ body: body }); }) } function listener( obj ) { if ( arguments.length ) { if ( "status" in obj ) { status = obj.status; } if ( "headers" in obj ) { if ( headers ) process.mixin( headers, obj.headers ); else headers = obj.headers; } if ( "_encoding" in obj ) { _encoding = obj._encoding; } if ( "body" in obj ) { if ( headers !== false ) { response.writeHead( status, headers || {} ); headers = false; } response.write( obj.body, _encoding ); } return listener; } else { if ( headers !== false ) { response.writeHead( status, headers || {} ); headers = false; } response.end(); } } } } fab.nodejs.contentLength = fab.map( function( obj ) { if ( typeof obj.body == "string" ) { ( obj.headers = obj.headers || {} ) [ "content-length" ] = process._byteLength( obj.body ); } return obj; }) fab.nodejs.fs = function( app ) { var fs = require( "fs" ); return function() { var out = this; return app.call( function( obj ) { var path = obj.body; fs.readFile( path, "utf8", function( err, data ) { out({ body: data || "File not found: " + path, status: err ? 404 : 200 })(); }); }) } } fab.nodejs.http = function( loc ) { loc = require( "url" ).parse( loc ) var client = require( "http" ) .createClient( loc.port || 80, loc.hostname ); return function() { var out = this; return function( head ) { head.headers.host = loc.hostname; client .request( head.method, loc.pathname + head.url.pathname + ( head.url.search || "" ), head.headers ) .addListener( "response", function( response ) { back({ status: response.statusCode, headers: response.headers }); response .addListener( "data", function( chunk ) { out({ body: chunk }); }) .addListener( "end", out ) .setBodyEncoding( "utf8" ); }) .close(); } } } fab.self = function( obj ){ return obj }; fab.Function = fab.self; fab.RegExp = fab.path; fab.Number = fab.status; for ( var name in fab ) { var app = fab[ name ]; for ( name in app ) { fab[ name ] = app[ name ]; } } fab.toString = function(){ return "(" + source + ")()" }; return fab; })() /*fab = require( "//rawgit.com/technoweenie/fab/master/index.js" );*/ module.exports = fab ( /\// ) ( /1/ ) // simple ( function() { this({ body: "Hello, world!" })(); }) ( /2/ ) // streaming ( function() { this ({ body: "Hello, " }) ({ body: "world!" }) (); }) ( /3/ ) // complete, jsgi-style ( function() { this({ status: 200, headers: { "content-type": "text/plain" }, body: "Hello, world!" })(); }) ( /4/ ) // asynchronous ( function() { var out = this({ body: "Hello, " }); setTimeout( function() { out({ body: "world!" })(); }, 2000 ); }) ( /5/ ) // request-specific ( function() { var out = this; return function( head ) { var body = "Hello, " + head.url.pathname.substr(1) + "!"; out({ body: body })(); } }) ( /6/ ) // incoming body listener ( function() { var out = this, length = 0; return function listener( obj ) { if ( !obj ) out({ body: "Hello, " + length + " bytes!" })(); else if ( obj.body ) { length += process._byteLength( obj.body.toString() ); } return listener; } }) ( /7/ ) // fab-style ( fab.tmpl, "Hello, <%= this[ 0 ] %>!" ) ( /^\/(\w+)$/ ) ( fab.capture ) ( [ "world" ] ) ( 404 ) ( 404 );

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