Update Image

node v18.11.0
version: 1.0.0
// Disclaimer: This snippet runs on a shared environment. Execution times will vary // Replace with an actual private key const pvk = '0xd2827f4c3778758eb51719a698464aaffd10a5c7cf816c1de83c5e446bfc1111'; const asset = '1858476204501659870681251187806966130514471238263'; const uni = '0'; const nonce = '0'; const updated_asset_props = { image: 'ipfs://QmPCHHeL1i6ZCUnQ1RdvQ5G3qccsjgQF8GkJrWAm54kdtB', }; require("utf-8-validate") const identity = require('freeverse-crypto-js'); const { updateAssetOp, AtomicAssetOps } = require('freeverse-apisigner-js'); // create web3 account from your private key // (other forms of creating web3 account could be subsituted) const universe_owner_account = identity.accountFromPrivateKey(pvk); // instantiate the class to create the required mutation: const assetOps = new AtomicAssetOps({ universeId: uni }); const op = updateAssetOp({ nonce, assetId: asset, props: updated_asset_props, metadata: null, }); assetOps.push({ op }); const sig = assetOps.sign({ web3Account: universe_owner_account }); const mutation = assetOps.mutation({ signature: sig }); ` Mutation to be sent to GraphQL endpoint: ${mutation} `

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