Turing.js Demo

node v8.17.0
version: 4.0.0
let { Language, Skip, EventType } = require("turingjs"); // Step 1: Define a new language let brainfuck = new Language() .token({ '+': state => { state.stack[state.index]++ }, '-': state => { state.stack[state.index]-- }, '>': state => { state.index++ }, '<': state => { state.index-- }, ',': state => { state.stack[state.index] = state.data.in.shift().charCodeAt(0) }, '.': state => { state.data.out.push(String.fromCharCode(state.stack[state.index])) }, ']': (state, token) => { state.tokenPointer = state.data.loops.pop() - 1 }, '[': (state, token) => { if (state.stack[state.index] === 0) { return Skip.until.balanced('[', ']', 1); } state.data.loops.push(token.position) } }) .on('eof', state => state.data.loops.length === 0) .data({ in: [], out: [], loops: [] }); // Step 2: Run some code in the new language brainfuck .data({ in: 'ABC'.split('') }) .run('+++[->,.+++.<]') // Takes 3 letters. Prints each letter + that letter incremented by 3 .then(finalState => console.log(finalState.data.out.join(''))/* ADBECF */) .catch(error => console.log(error));

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