Make slots jobs by hours

node v10.24.1
version: 1.0.0
const R = require('ramda'); class SlotsRule { run(result, configs, params) { const { slots } = this.makeSlots(params); // add slots to result and slots_config to debugs return slots; } // Create slots and format each bucket to pass through rules makeSlots(params) { let slots_config = this.splitHoursIntoSlots(params); return { ...slots_config, slots: => this._formatSlot(hour), slots_config.queue) }; } // Split quantity of hours in slots taking in count // max. hours for each prof per service type splitHoursIntoSlots(params) { // TODO: // Take `service_type` in count to retrieve: // - min hours per service // - max hours per service // - max hours per tasker return R.pipe( (_ => this._totalSlots(_, params)), (_ => this._makeDivisions(_, params)), (_ => this._initializeSlots(_, params)), (_ => this._spreadRemainder(_, params)), (_ => this._serializeSlots(_, params)) )(params) } _formatSlot(hours) { return { hours, }; } // Adds total_hours and total_slots to accumulator _totalSlots(_acc, params) { const MAX_TASKER_HOUR = 9.0; return { total_hours: parseFloat(params.hours), total_slots: Math.ceil(params.hours / MAX_TASKER_HOUR) }; } // Adds rounded quotient as slot's base hour // and remainder to be spread over slots _makeDivisions(acc, _params) { return { ...acc, rounded_quotient: Math.floor(acc.total_hours / acc.total_slots), remainder: acc.total_hours % acc.total_slots, } } // Adds an array with total slots filled with base hours _initializeSlots(acc, _params) { return { ...acc, queue: new Array(acc.total_slots).fill(acc.rounded_quotient) } } // Spreads remainder over slots step by step // Today step is 0.5 'cause it is the time interval between prices declared in sheets _spreadRemainder(acc, _params) { for (let n = 0, step = 0.5; acc.remainder - ((n + 1) * step) >= 0; n++) { acc.queue[n % acc.total_slots] += step; }; return acc; } _serializeSlots(acc, params) { const { rounded_quotient: slot_base_hours, } = acc; return { slot_base_hours, ...R.omit(['rounded_quotient'], acc), }; } } (new SlotsRule()).run({}, {}, { hours: '19', })

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