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This is a playground to test code. It runs a full Node.js environment and already has all of npm’s 1,000,000+ packages pre-installed, including cn-fontsource-fontquan-xin-yi-ji-xiang-song-regular with all npm packages installed. Try it out:

cn-fontsource-fontquan-xin-yi-ji-xiang-song-regular lists no main file and has no index.js, so it can't be directly required. If this is a mistake, please let us know. It may however contain internal files that you can require manually:

// require("cn-fontsource-fontquan-xin-yi-ji-xiang-song-regular/[??]")

This service is provided by RunKit and is not affiliated with npm, Inc or the package authors.

cn-fontsource-fontquan-xin-yi-ji-xiang-song-regular v1.0.7

字体圈欣意吉祥宋涵盖国家GB2312编码标准的6763个中文字符,52个英文字符,10个阿拉伯数字,若干个标点符号,按需添加若干生僻字,共7000余字符。这是一套宋体风格的标题字,风格整体偏圆润古风,目前市场上免费商用的宋体字,除了思源宋体,好像就是思源宋体的修改版,没有专门设计风格的宋体字。 字体命名原本打算跟风格相同,欲名为“润宋体”,但没有什么特殊意义,毕竟免费字体可遇不可求,2020年确实是困难的一年,从年头到年尾非常艰难的度过,后来决定今天发布后,想到两个词“吉祥”与“平安”,纠结了好一会,最终定为“吉祥宋”,全名:字体圈欣意吉祥宋,很优雅的一个名字,我很喜欢,祝您今后每一年都能吉祥如意平安顺遂!

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