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RunKit +

Try any Node.js package right in your browser

This is a playground to test code. It runs a full Node.js environment and already has all of npm’s 1,000,000+ packages pre-installed, including aws-dynasync with all npm packages installed. Try it out:

var awsDynasync = require("aws-dynasync")

This service is provided by RunKit and is not affiliated with npm, Inc or the package authors.

aws-dynasync v1.1.6

Create an AWS AppSync GraphQL Api and a DynamoDB datasource with a single command. Automate the building and provisioning of a GraphQL API using a single config file with AWS AppSync and Amazon DynamoDb to store the data. The entire process is controlled by a single config file that defines the data tables and GraphQl types to be used. Then using the AWS CDK all of the tables are created, all of the queries and mutations are generated, and all of the data sources connected to have a fully functioning API.

RunKit is a free, in-browser JavaScript dev environment for prototyping Node.js code, with every npm package installed. Sign up to share your code.
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