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RunKit +

Try any Node.js package right in your browser

This is a playground to test code. It runs a full Node.js environment and already has all of npm’s 1,000,000+ packages pre-installed, including @tidy-ui/frame with all npm packages installed. Try it out:

require("react/package.json"); // react is a peer dependency. require("styled-components/package.json"); // styled-components is a peer dependency. var frame = require("@tidy-ui/frame")

This service is provided by RunKit and is not affiliated with npm, Inc or the package authors.

@tidy-ui/frame v0.47.4

The Frame component is a dynamic placeholder that adds a stylish touch while your content loads. It features various styles like circular for profile pics, linear for paragraphs, and defaults to rectangular. Easily adjust sizes and transition from loading to loaded with a flag. Frames have inviting round edges by default but can go edgy. You can even wrap a component, keeping it in loading mode until it's ready. Perfect for enhancing user experience during data fetching!

RunKit is a free, in-browser JavaScript dev environment for prototyping Node.js code, with every npm package installed. Sign up to share your code.
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