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This is a playground to test code. It runs a full Node.js environment and already has all of npm’s 1,000,000+ packages pre-installed, including @hitask/react-i18nify with all npm packages installed. Try it out:

const React = require('react'); const ReactDOM = require('react-dom/server'); let ReactI18nfiy = null; try { ReactI18nfiy = require('react-i18nify'); } catch (e) { ReactI18nfiy = require('../build/index.js'); } const { I18n, Translate, Localize } = ReactI18nfiy; I18n.setTranslations({ en: { application: { title: 'Awesome app with i18n!', hello: 'Hello, %{name}!', }, date: { long: 'MMMM Do, YYYY', }, export: 'Export %{count} items', export_0: 'Nothing to export', export_1: 'Export %{count} item', two_lines: 'Line 1< sbr />Line 2', }, nl: { application: { title: 'Toffe app met i18n!', hello: 'Hallo, %{name}!', }, date: { long: 'D MMMM YYYY', }, export: 'Exporteer %{count} dingen', export_0: 'Niks te exporteren', export_1: 'Exporteer %{count} ding', two_lines: 'Regel 1<br />Regel 2', }, }); I18n.setLocale('nl'); console.log(I18n.t('application.title')); console.log(I18n.t('application.hello', { name: 'Aad' })); console.log(I18n.t('export', { count: 0 })); console.log(I18n.t('application.unknown_translation')); console.log(I18n.t('application', { name: 'Aad' })); console.log(I18n.l(1385856000000, { dateFormat: 'date.long' })); console.log(I18n.l(Math.PI, { maximumFractionDigits: 2 })); function myHandleMissingTranslation(key, replacements) { return `Missing translation: ${key}`; } I18n.setHandleMissingTranslation(myHandleMissingTranslation); console.log(I18n.t('application.unknown_translation')); function AwesomeComponent() { return ( <div> <Translate value="application.title" /> <br /> <Translate value="application.title" style={{ fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: '14px' }} /> <br /> <Translate value="application.hello" name="Aad" /> <br /> <Translate value="export" count={1} /> <br /> <Translate value="export" count={2} /> <br /> <Translate value="application.title" tag="h1" /> <br /> <Translate value="two_lines" dangerousHTML /> <br /> <Localize value="2015-09-03" dateFormat="date.long" /> <br /> <Localize value="2015-09-03" dateFormat="date.long" tag="div" /> <br /> <Localize value={10 / 3} options={{ style: 'currency', currency: 'EUR', minimumFractionDigits: 2, maximumFractionDigits: 2, }} /> </div> ); } console.log(ReactDOM.renderToString(<AwesomeComponent />));

This service is provided by RunKit and is not affiliated with npm, Inc or the package authors.

@hitask/react-i18nify v1.11.19

Simple i18n translation and localization components and helpers for React applications.

RunKit is a free, in-browser JavaScript dev environment for prototyping Node.js code, with every npm package installed. Sign up to share your code.
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