const request = require('request'),
requestPromise = require("request-promise"),
Promise = require('bluebird');
'use strict';
* Initilizes class with Project ID and Preview API Key that represent a Kentico Cloud project.
* @constructor Delivery
* @param {string} projectID Project ID, see details in the Kentico Cloud Developers Hub:
* @param {string} previewKey Preview API Key, see details in the Kentico Cloud Developers Hub:
* @example
* var project = new Delivery('82594550-e25c-8219-aee9-677f600bad53', 'ew0KICAiYWxnIjo...QvV8puicXQ');
class Delivery {
constructor(projectID, previewKey) {
this.projectID = projectID;
this.previewKey = typeof previewKey === 'undefined' ? null : previewKey;
* Returns promise with data from the Kentico Cloud storage specified by the passed query string.
* @method getContent
* @param {object} params Object that contains filtering url parameters that are used for requesting Kentico Cloud storage. See details about filtering url parameters:
* @param {boolean} isPreview Flag that controls whether only published or all items should be requested.
* @return {promise} with object of responses for each passed parameter from the Kentico Cloud storage.
* @example
* // returns
* // {
* // master: {items: [...]},
* // page: {items: [...]}
* // }
* project.getContent({
* master: '?system.type=master',
* page: '?system.type=home'
* }, true)
getContent(params, isPreview) {
// Reject operation if params parameter in not provided
if (typeof params === 'undefined') {
Promise.reject('Please, specify the params parameter in the getContent method.');
// Set default state if maethod parameter are not provided
if (typeof isPreview === 'undefined') {
isPreview = false;
// Split categories and filtering urls in separate arrays
var categories = [],
values = [];
Object.keys(params).forEach((key, index) => {
params = values.slice();
// Create options that will represent your request to the Kentico Cloud storage
let options = Delivery.getOptions(params, this.projectID, this.previewKey, isPreview);
// Request the Kentico Cloud storage and get content from it
return Delivery.getRawData(options)
.then(function(data) {
// And assemble an object structure of the original object
return Delivery.categorizeContent(data, categories);
* Helper methods section
// Retrun array of promises with objects obtained from the Kentico Cloud storage
static getRawData(options) {
return, (item) => {
return requestPromise(item).catch(console.error);
// Return url that should be requested
static getDeliveryUrl (projectID, isPreview) {
let url = '';
// If we want to preview our content we need request a slightly different url
if (isPreview) {
url = '' + projectID + '/items';
} else {
url ='' + projectID + '/items';
return url;
//Returns options for the request
// Structure of the options object is defined by the request-promise package (
static getOptions (params, projectID, previewKey, isPreview) {
var options = [];
// Create request options of each param
if (isPreview && previewKey !== null) {
params.forEach((item) => {
uri: Delivery.getDeliveryUrl(projectID, isPreview) + item,
json: true,
simple: false,
headers: {
Authorization: 'Bearer ' + previewKey
} else {
params.forEach((item) => {
uri: Delivery.getDeliveryUrl(projectID, isPreview) + item,
json: true,
simple: false
return options;
// Join array of category names and array of responses to fit the orogonal object
static categorizeContent(content, categories) {
let categorizedContent = {};
content.forEach((item, index) => {
categorizedContent[categories[index]] = item;
return categorizedContent;
* Usage
// Initialize Delivery with Project ID and Preview API Key
let kenticoCloudProject = new Delivery('2548121d-cad8-4458-a910-5e4b54cb0956', 'ew0KICAiYWxnIjogIkhTMjU2IiwNCiAgInR5cCI6ICJKV1QiDQp9.ew0KICAidWlkIjogInVzcl8wdlVJVzkwTnRQSVNxNm1GSDN2ZFhiIiwNCiAgImVtYWlsIjogImhlbGxvQG1pbGFubHVuZC5jb20iLA0KICAicHJvamVjdF9pZCI6ICIyNTQ4MTIxZC1jYWQ4LTQ0NTgtYTkxMC01ZTRiNTRjYjA5NTYiLA0KICAianRpIjogInhrU1BLUjlzbzgxSV9rel8iLA0KICAidmVyIjogIjEuMC4wIiwNCiAgImdpdmVuX25hbWUiOiAiTWlsYW4iLA0KICAiZmFtaWx5X25hbWUiOiAiTHVuZCIsDQogICJhdWQiOiAicHJldmlldy5kZWxpdmVyLmtlbnRpY29jbG91ZC5jb20iDQp9.PpBh6wTk57e1_tPHzROiqWPTpr3IjrEoGN8J4rtfPIg');
// Request the Kentico Cloud storage with filtering url parameters and a boolean flag defining whether you want preview content or not
master: '?system.type=master',
page: '?system.type=home'
}, true)
.then(console.log) // Show results
.catch(console.error); // Or error