
node v8.17.0
version: 2.0.0
Let's start with a definition: A transducer is a function that takes a reducer function and returns a reducer function. A reducer is a binary function that takes an accumulator and a value and returns an accumulator. A reducer can be executed with a reduce function (let's also define a curry function to make working with reduce easier):
const curry = f => { const _curry = (...args) => args.length < f.length ? (...restArgs) => _curry(...args, ...restArgs) : f(...args); return _curry; } const _reduce = (reducer, init, data) => { let result = init; for (const item of data) { result = reducer(result, item); } return result; } const reduce = curry(_reduce);
With reducer we can implement map and filter functions:
const mapReducer = xf => (acc, item) => [...acc, xf(item)]; const _map = (xf, arr) => reduce(mapReducer(xf), [], arr); const map = curry(_map); const filterReducer = predicate => (acc, item) => predicate(item) ? [...acc, item] : acc; const _filter = (predicate, arr) => reduce(filterReducer(predicate), [], arr); const filter = curry(_filter);
As we can see there're a few similarities between map and filter and both of those functions work only with arrays. Another disadvantage is that when we compose those two functions, in each step a temporary array is created that gets passed to another function.
const pipeReducer = (acc, f) => f(acc); const pipe = (...fs) => data => reduce(pipeReducer, data, fs); const even = n => n % 2 === 0; const double = n => n * 2; const doubleEven = pipe(filter(even), map(double)); doubleEven([1,2,3,4,5]); // first we get [2, 4] // then final result: [4, 8]
Transducers help us solve that concerns: when we use a transducer there are no temporary arrays created and we can generalize our functions to work not only with arrays. Transducers need a transduce function to work:
const _transduce = (xform, iterator, init, data) => reduce(xform(iterator), init, data); const transduce = curry(_transduce); const compose = (...fs) => pipe(...fs.reverse()); const _mapping = (xf, reducer) => (acc, item) => reducer(acc, xf(item)); const mapping = curry(_mapping); const _filtering = (predicate, reducer) => (acc, item) => predicate(item) ? reducer(acc, item) : acc; const filtering = curry(_filtering); const arrReducer = (acc, item) => [...acc, item]; const transformer = compose(filtering(even), mapping(double)); const performantDoubleEven = transduce(transformer, arrReducer, []) performantDoubleEven([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); // -> [4, 8] with no temporary arrays created
We can also define map and filter using transducer:
const p_map = (xf, data) => transduce(mapping(xf), arrReducer, [], data); const pmap = curry(_map); const p_filter = (predicate, data) => transduce(filtering(predicate), [], data); const pfilter = curry(_filter); const pdoubleEven = pipe(pfilter(even), pmap(double)); doubleEven([1,2,3,4,5]);

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