
node v15.14.0
version: 1.0.0
const { BASE_FEE, Keypair, Networks, Operation, Server, TransactionBuilder } = require("stellar-sdk"); const assert = require('assert'); const supportedNetworks = { TESTNET: { network: 'TESTNET', getServer: () => new Server(''), transactionOptions: { fee: BASE_FEE, networkPassphrase: Networks.TESTNET, }, }, LIVENET: { network: 'LIVENET', getServer: () => new Server(''), transactionOptions: { fee: BASE_FEE, networkPassphrase: Networks.PUBLIC, }, }, }; /** * `AccountHelper` provides basic actions around an account. * * Use the following methods to interact with an account object: * * `{@link AccountHelper.getFunded}` * * @constructor * @param {string} id The id for the account to interact with. Can either be the private or the public key * @param {string} [network] The network to interact with (*TESTNET* or LIVENET) */ class AccountHelper { constructor(id, network) { network = network ||; assert( Object.keys(supportedNetworks).includes(network), `Network must be one of [${Object.keys(supportedNetworks)}]` ); this.selectedNetwork = supportedNetworks[network]; try { this.accountKeypair = Keypair.fromSecret(id); } catch (_) {} try { this.accountKeypair = Keypair.fromPublicKey(id); console.log('Attention! You only provided a public key. Make sure you have access to the secret if you want to access funds sent to this account.'); } catch (_) {} assert(this.accountKeypair, '`id` must be a valid account ID or secret.'); }; /** * Retrieves the account this `AccountHelper` object is referencing to. * If the account does not exist, yet it will try to create it on the fly. * * @param {object} createAccountOptions Options for the case * the account needs to be created. * @param {number} [createAccountOptions.funds] Amount to fund the account with (defaults to 5000) * @param {Keypair} [createAccountOptions.sponsorKeypair] Keypair of account to create new account from * The Keypair must contain a secret key. */ async getFunded (createAccountOptions = {}) { const keypair = this.accountKeypair; const server = this.selectedNetwork.getServer(); const fundBalance = `${(createAccountOptions.funds || 5000)}`; return await server.loadAccount(keypair.publicKey()) .then(account => { console.log('Account already exists - not funding.'); return account; }) .catch(() => { const fundingKeypair = createAccountOptions.sponsorKeypair || Keypair.random(); assert(fundingKeypair.canSign(), 'sponsorKeypair must contain a secret in order to sign.'); return server.loadAccount(fundingKeypair.publicKey()) .then(fundingAccount => { console.log(`Account does not exist - funding with ${fundBalance} XLM.`); const transaction = new TransactionBuilder(fundingAccount, this.selectedNetwork.transactionOptions) .addOperation(Operation.createAccount({ destination: keypair.publicKey(), startingBalance: fundBalance, })) .setTimeout(0) .build(); transaction.sign(fundingKeypair); return server.submitTransaction(transaction) .then(() => server.loadAccount(keypair.publicKey())) .catch(err => { console.log(; return err; }); }) .catch(err => { console.log('Funding account does not exist - asking a friend(ly) bot.'); return server.friendbot(fundingKeypair.publicKey()).call() .then(() => this.getFunded({ funds: fundBalance, sponsorKeypair: fundingKeypair, })); }); }); }; async reset() { throw new Error('Not implemented'); }; }; module.exports = { SupportedNetworks: supportedNetworks, AccountHelper: AccountHelper }; //> tests const test_getFunded_Works_with_default_funds = async function() { const BigNumber = require('bignumber.js'); const newAccount = await new AccountHelper(Keypair.random().secret(), .getFunded(); assert( new BigNumber(newAccount.balances[0].balance).eq(5000), 'New account is expected to hold 5000 XLM.' ); return true; }; const test_GetFunded_Returns_preexisting_account = async function() { const keypair = Keypair.random(); const newAccount = await new AccountHelper(keypair.secret()) .getFunded({funds: 1}); const existingAccount = await new AccountHelper(keypair.secret()) .getFunded({funds: 10}); assert( ===, 'Expected same account IDs'); assert(newAccount.balances[0].balance === existingAccount.balances[0].balance, 'Account should not hold more than 1 XLM.'); return true; }; const test_getFunded_Works_without_existing_funding_account = async function() { const BigNumber = require('bignumber.js'); const newAccount = await new AccountHelper(Keypair.random().secret(), 'TESTNET') .getFunded({funds: 1}); assert( new BigNumber(newAccount.balances[0].balance).eq(1), 'New account is expected to hold 1 XLM.' ); return true; }; const test_getFunded_Works_with_existing_funding_account = async function() { const BigNumber = require('bignumber.js'); const fundingKeypair = Keypair.random(); await supportedNetworks['TESTNET'].getServer().friendbot(fundingKeypair.publicKey()).call(); const newAccount = await new AccountHelper(Keypair.random().secret()) .getFunded({funds: 1000, sponsorKeypair: fundingKeypair}); assert( new BigNumber(newAccount.balances[0].balance).eq(1000), 'New account is expected to hold 1000 XLM.' ); return supportedNetworks['TESTNET'].getServer().loadAccount(fundingKeypair.publicKey()) .catch(() => false) .then(fundingAccount => { const balance = fundingAccount.balances[0].balance; assert( new BigNumber(balance).eq(8999.99999), `Funding account is expected to have 8999.99999 XLM after funding and fees, but had ${balance}.` ); return true; }); }; const allTests = () => test_getFunded_Works_with_default_funds() .then(() => test_GetFunded_Returns_preexisting_account()) .then(() => test_getFunded_Works_without_existing_funding_account()) .then(() => test_getFunded_Works_with_existing_funding_account()); module.exports.test = allTests;

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