Leopard TIE Client

node v12.22.12
version: 2.0.2
Connects to a TIE endpoint and maintains a quick session by asking a couple questions.
const TIE = require("leopard-tie-client") const teneoEngineUrl = 'https://teneo-demos-fusion.presales.artificial-solutions.com/leopard/'; const logResponse = response => { console.log(response.output); return response; }; TIE.sendInput(teneoEngineUrl, null, { text: 'My name is Peter' }) .then(logResponse) .then(({ sessionId }) => TIE.sendInput(teneoEngineUrl, sessionId, { text: 'What is my name?' })) .then(logResponse) .then(({ sessionId }) => TIE.close(teneoEngineUrl, sessionId));

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